Tonight is the night

It was dark outside.Once more she's out of the house right when the sun sets. This has to stop,it makes dangerous situation that much worse. While on the way there, it started to rain. It went from drizzle to downpour in a minute.. -Just my luck-she thought. With no umbrella and no taxi in sight, she pulled the hood of her jacket over her head and kept walking more determined,more than ever, to get where she was going.It had to stop,today would be the night and she will end it all. He had to know it can't go on,she will not be a part of this and he can't get away with this. -Can I really do it?-she thought. -Can I do it to him?Can I live with it? -I already thought about it and made my decision,I cannot back down now.I'm on the way,tonight is the night! -No matter what will come, I'm ready. Rain started to die down.There was nothing but still silence of the street lamps and darkness dancing together.She was alone walking through the dark cold streets. Hair mo...