The beginning of the end,Part 2

Day 2,3 The following couple of days were a mixed bag. The food was slowly running out,but it was going according to plan,no unplanned meals. The sleep was not the best as the old lighthouse was leaking and making all kinds of ungodly noises. Young men were taking turns making sure nobody comes to the lighthouse who should not be there,maintaining the light and keeping it smooth,running and clean. The days were slow,boring and sometimes tedious but the two friends were optimistic and excited that they were working at the famed lighthouse,making money,making a name for themselves. This was the calm before the storm which will rip these friends apart. Day 4 The mid week is when it all started to go wrong. The day started with a strong storm.Violent winds,raging sea and a strong rain.It was hard to see,the lighthouse was leaking,howling and the upkeep was difficult to carry out. With supplies running low,with men eating food faster than they thought they would,unable to r...