The beginning of the end,Part 2

Day 2,3

The following couple of days were a mixed bag. The food was slowly running out,but it was going according to plan,no unplanned meals. The sleep was not the best as the old lighthouse was leaking and making all kinds of ungodly noises. Young men were taking turns making sure nobody comes to the lighthouse who should not be there,maintaining the light and keeping it smooth,running and clean. The days were slow,boring and sometimes tedious but the two friends were optimistic and excited that they were working at the famed lighthouse,making money,making a name for themselves. This was the calm before the storm which will rip these friends apart.

Day 4

The mid week is when it all started to go wrong. The day started with a strong storm.Violent winds,raging sea and a strong rain.It was hard to see,the lighthouse was leaking,howling and the upkeep was difficult to carry out. With supplies running low,with men eating food faster than they thought they would,unable to ration as planned,they were trying to stop the passing small boats to ask for supplies to last til next week. Today was their lucky day,or so they thought. In the morning they noticed a small boat,fighting the storm,heading towards the city and past the lighthouse. They ran out,screamed and shouted,waved their arms around just to get the boats attention but to no avail. The following minute they saw,the massive powerful wave pick up the small boat and toss it against the rock,smashing it into tiny little pieces.Crew,the people on board were flying everywhere,screaming for help,drowning in the raging seas as their boat was smashed into pieces and sinking slowly.It was like watching a child play with little soldiers and scatter them all across the floor in the one swoop,only these were real people,facing the elements and the elements won.
Two friends were in despair,they witnessed a boat get smashed,just like their hope for more supplies and crew of the boat scream to them for help only to die helpless. It was damaging,scaring and terrifying.Alex and Cyrus were in despair,hopeless,depressed.They returned to the lighthouse and focused on what they had to do.Barely talking to one another now,another day passed.After what happened and with supplies running low,there was no mood or energy between both of them.

Day 5
After what has happened yesterday,both men retreated to themselves. They were sad,depressed,hopeless and lost. Many dark emotions were running through young men’s heads.They both started to believe this is going to be their end. This is how it ends. The lighthouse stories are true. All that visit the island,the rock,will die.Lighthouse,sea,rock,will get them. Supplies are running very low now,they both have to eat for day extra til resupplies come and storms are not stopping. Men were talking less,they got more isolated and more territorial with Cyrus and Alex arguing over whose food belongs to whom and who sleeps where. Relationship was getting strained,intense. The air was cold,but not just from the weather but the atmosphere in the lighthouse was no better than the storms outside. 

Chapter 3,the finale,will be uploaded in the coming days,hold on tight,it's a big one..


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