I am the sun

I am the sun . When I walk in the room,all eyes on me,its quiet,stillness.I am everything. I can feel the warmth around me.Eminating,pulsing,bursting. I can feel the glow,I can see the glow. The glow on people’s faces reflecting back at me,the warmth they feel and the comfort they get from seeing me,being around me. I give life. I give life to the room,the light,the warmth and all eyes are on me.They know,they see it and feel it and they always want more,always.Hungry,begging,pulling and tugging. People are jealous.All the girls want what I have,want to be me.All the boys want me. I know,I see,I notice.The minute,the hour of pleasure is feels good but the high wears off and I only want more. The old me would have loved it,embracing and inhaling every moment of this, but now,now all I care is this feeling. I do not care about belonging,people want to belong to me.It’s everything. I am the life itself. Everyone wants me,everyone ...