Grissom questions...(Alice)

It was mayor Rudley who found Alice. A man in his 60’s, tall, slim and always looked so serious. Mayor: “I was on my way to the office when I saw something in the middle of the road from the corner of my eye”, he continued… -“I thought it was wild animal hit by a car, you know we have a lot of these incidents with the woods around but then I noticed all this red, which turned out to be the dress”. -“I approached the body and realised it was Alice Wimslow, the Wimslow family girl and called you right there and then.”-Mr Rudley concluded his story. -“And what time was that Mr mayor?”-asked detective Grissom. -“Around 6 in the morning, I had to be early in the office and was in a rush.” -“Did you touch or find anything at the scene of the crime that we should know about? Please be honest!”-detective asked. -“No, I did not and called you as soon as I understood what happened”. -“Ok, thank you Mr Rudley, we will be in touch soon if you do not mind. We migh...