Grissom questions...(Alice)

   It was mayor Rudley who found Alice.
A man in his 60’s, tall, slim and always looked so serious.
Mayor: “I was on my way to the office when I saw something in the middle of the road from the corner of my eye”, he continued…
-“I thought it was wild animal hit by a car, you know we have a lot of these incidents with the woods around but then I noticed all this red, which turned out to be the dress”.
-“I approached the body and realised it was Alice Wimslow, the Wimslow family girl and called you right there and then.”-Mr Rudley concluded his story.
-“And what time was that Mr mayor?”-asked detective Grissom.
-“Around 6 in the morning, I had to be early in the office and was in a rush.”
-“Did you touch or find anything at the scene of the crime that we should know about? Please be honest!”-detective asked.
-“No, I did not and called you as soon as I understood what happened”.
-“Ok, thank you Mr Rudley, we will be in touch soon if you do not mind. We might need some additional information later on”-said detective Grissom.
-“No problem, I am happy to help our peace keepers and hope whoever did this vile and violent crime will be apprehended soon detective. If you do not mind I have a lot of work to do and If you need anything else, do call my office.”-said Mayor Rudley.
   Detective Grissom left the mayor’s office with some information but this was a small thread, one of many which will be needed to uncover this crime. Grissom always was lost in his own thoughts, thinking and analysing. Tall, dark and handsome, always on the move and making sure this town stays quiet. Even though he was in his fourties, he had stamina of a twenty year old, all that military training was very useful when he needed to give a chase or get involved in a fight.
   One the way to station, Grissom could not stop thinking about who would do this and why? Nothing like this has ever happened in this town, not during his watch. Who would do this? It felt like none of these people are capable and yet everyone at this point was a potential suspect. “I need to narrow down to motives and alibi”.-Grissom thought as he was driving up to the police station. One bullet straight to the head,tied down..“execution?”-he thought. I need to know more.
   In the next couple of days clues kept coming up here and there, little by little. Nothing concrete, with no big breaks but it was helpful enough to move that little bit forward. Any movement in this case was good enough for Grissom. Turns out Alice had a boyfriend and nobody really knew anything about him, who he was or where he lived but she definitely had an admirer. Her mother suspected Alice had someone. She would always come back from school, beaming, happy. She would put these extra little touches in the morning without saying why. It just started one day and she would always say :-“I just feel like it today”. Her mom was convinced she had someone but would wait a while for introduction which never happened. She always believed her daughter was smart enough not to mess around with boys, she was always focused on her studies, apparently, and she was always careful with who she spends time with. Mrs Wimslow also noted that her daughters favourite bracelet was missing so she must have worn it on the night it happened and she took her phone with her but no matter how many times she would call her daughter it would never answer.
Her mother always believed, Alice was a good girl,but then don’t all mothers think so?
   Mrs Wimslow was a mess, a wreck, her face red and puffy from too much crying, eyes red and it seemed like she didn’t have any more tears to give. Her daughter was a lot like the mother. Fragile looking, long dark hair. It would be no surprise if people
would mistake this mother and her daughter for being sisters. All the sorrow and the pain Mrs Wimslow had, was clearly visible on her face. You can’t blame her, it was her only child, her world. Thankfully Mr Wimslow was right there to console his wife but he was motionless, it looked like someone tore out his heart. It was remarkable Grissom got anything out of Mrs Wimslow but she was determined to help however she could. Seeing them together gave Grissom only more motivation to solve this crime as soon as possible. He never saw anything like this in this town but “It will never repeat again!”-he promised himself. This was once a happy family with a child who would go so far, and now it was nothing but fragments and memories of a happier times, They were shattered, destroyed. This will not happen to anyone else. “Not on my watch!”-Grissom thought.
   Cororner’s report, close friends, mysterious boyfriend or people who knew her? People around the body or people staying in town and passing through? Where to start? What a mess, ”It will be a busy autumn this year, but we will get to the bottom of this!”-Grissom thought taking a sip of his coffee.


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