Make It Stop-Chapter 5-When hell comes knocking

Day 5 It begins. The door quickly slammed shut. Henry is just outside and I am stuck in this house. Again. I swore to myself to not stay here and now, I am imprisoned against my will after all. Suddenly,I feel it. I feel the tight grip around my ankles and in an instant, I start to descend in the middle of the house. I look down and I see charred black hands,covered in ash,holding on to me,grabbing me,many many hands reaching out to me and pulling me down. Pulling me down in what seems to be,the pits of hell itself. A massive hole opened up in front of my eyes in the middle of the house.Right in my floor,in the foundations of the house.I do not see the end to it,I see the glow of the flames below,raging fire,I feel the intense heat coming from the bottom. I am slowly descending down the pit with these ashy hands holding on to me and pulling me down.Lower and lower. All I can think of is scream,as loud as I can. I start to scream from the top of my lungs and s...