Make It Stop-Chapter 5-When hell comes knocking

Day 5

    It begins. The door quickly slammed shut. Henry is just outside and I am stuck in this house. Again. I swore to myself to not stay here and now, I am imprisoned against my will after all. Suddenly,I feel it. I feel the tight grip around my ankles and in an instant, I start to descend in the middle of the house. I look down and I see charred black hands,covered in ash,holding on to me,grabbing me,many many hands reaching out to me and pulling me down. Pulling me down in what seems to be,the pits of hell itself. A massive hole opened up in front of my eyes in the middle of the house.Right in my floor,in the foundations of the house.I do not see the end to it,I see the glow of the flames below,raging fire,I feel the intense heat coming from the bottom. I am slowly descending down the pit with these ashy hands holding on to me and pulling me down.Lower and lower. All I can think of is scream,as loud as I can. I start to scream from the top of my lungs and struggle,trying to pull away and I hear Henry,somewhere further away breaking the door down.At this moment I pray to God something happens to set me free. I am almost swallowed up,I can see the floor closing above me,mending together,coming close to seal up.I am holding on to the edges of the broken floorboards,I am pushing myself upwards,pulling upwards,trying to get away but the pull of the hands is far too strong,there are so many. I am doomed to die,I know this,this is what the house wanted.I let out,last loud scream,primal,like a wounded animal.Now swallowing ash floating around me,filling up my lungs.I cannot see nothing but flames and then I hear it. Henry has broken the door down and he’s inside the house. I can feel him kneeling next to me and pulling me to him. I open my eyes. I am inside the house,in his arms.It’s like nothing has happened. 

   First thing,he asks me what has happened. I said that he saw it himself this time,he had to. The door slammed right in his face,the house has divided us and started to swallow me into the darkness itself,the pits of burning hell. The expression on his face,I do not think I ever saw it before. He gave me looks before,as in,what I am talking about,but this,this was different. He was looking at me like I was insane. He was trying to hide it and brush it off,when I said that,he looks at me like I lost my mind. He just said that it seems a little bit crazy,out there,he said. I could see that but I need just a little bit of trust from him.From his perspective,he felt the chill,the wind blew and the door slammed shut and locked him out. He was concerned about me,the screams and knowing how I felt about the house but was surprised to find me in the middle of the floor,alone and screaming. I knew at this point,he was thinking I lost it. I was convinced .I need to keep it in and focus on getting out,I am not leaving him although it is very frustrating to me,his disbelief, but I cannot let him commit me. I understand how it looks but I need him and he is just not there for me right now. I said we need to get out,that is all I want and that was the plan. Henry offered to get the bags,I did not reject the offer and happily made my way to the car as he went upstairs. On the back of my mind however,I knew he was in the house,alone but nothing would ever happen to him,so I convinced myself that he would be safe. He would be,but I had to get involved.If only I didn’t.If only I knew.I could have just driven away,or left the bags and go with him far far away. We did not,this is not how the story goes. I sat in the car and waited,I switched on the radio to keep my mind occupied,got comfortable and waited. Two minutes passed,five minutes passed and then ten.,He was not back. I assumed he was in the bathroom or picking up extra things or both but I was getting worried,I know this house. I waited more and nothing. I got out of the car.
   I made a couple of steps towards the house and called out for Henry. Nothing. I kept doing this until I was right at the front door,no response. This is when I knew something went wrong. The house has him,I was convinced. At this point I was broken,all I wanted is to get away but I could not let Henry be trapped,taken away or worse,killed.I cannot sit idly knowing,he is in this house. He is not answering,something is wrong,I feel it. I stepped inside the house,and just like that door slammed shut behind me. Old tricks by now,still works. I called out for Henry,no answer.I started to slowly make my way up the stairs and then,I saw them.I felt it,I knew it,this is their house,this is the end,for me,for us.


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