Make It Stop-Chapter 4-False hope and empty promises

Day 4

   Nothing could phase me at this point. I have seen so much,it defies any explanation. Worst part, is that nobody believes me,and the person who I trust the most doesn’t have my back when I need him the most,no, he doubts me and thinks I am loosing it. I am stuck,still,I do not know where to go and what to do with this. After sitting in this motel room all evening,staring at the wall and with all that I have seen running through my mind,I decided to answer. I answered the tenth call Henry made,he was calling all evening.I had to explain myself,he has to listen and understand and besides, I cannot have him calling police, looking for me all over the city.
    I answered the call and explained what happened. He just listened. I said it all as it was,what happened,the faces,the frames and the photos and the tar and he just listened. Finally he spoke and when he did, he just said he will come to me. He did,he just embraced me,said he will be here for me and we decided to spend the night together at the motel and decide what to do the next morning. We did. New day came,new morning and I was ready,I was scared to open my eyes,I was prepared and dreading what will come and then it dawned on me. Nothing will come,not today,I am not at home any more,I am safe. I am free. It got to this point,to the point where I am dreading coming home,to the point where my fortress is my own prison and nobody is there to believe or help me.It was a couple of days but it felt like I have lost years. I am in bed,Henry is next to me still in deep sleep and all I can do is stare at the ceiling,think. All I can do is think,what I have seen,been through,it just goes through my mind. A film,projection and it always comes to this,what’s next? I came to the conclusion,I cannot stay in that house,for my sanity,my safety,I refuse,at least for the time being and if Henry does really care about me, he will try to understand and support me. 

   Hour later he was up and we had a talk,I said it all,I am not coming back and it is up to him what he will do. He agreed to go stay me,we will stay in a motel for a little while and we will decide what to do with the house. As much as it pains him,we cannot have a happy home if one of us is so unhappy in that home. We will cancel the purchase and keep looking. It is not too late.We still had our old place and although moving around would be a hassle,it is nothing compared to what I have seen.To me,it is a pleasure, just to get away.It has been decided and I could not stop to smile. I was happy. Even if this will happen again,I will get rid of that house and we will have peace,we will have our dream home. That,that makes me happy. Henry was already running late but he agreed to drop me off at our place to pick up some things,quick,we agreed.Every minute in that house was like a lifetime for me but I knew he was with me and if something were to happen,he will see it for himself. As soon as we pulled to the house,I could feel it. Fear,dread and cold sweat. All over me and around me. That house. Now I see it,it oozes evil,unless it’s my imagination,it’s not. We made our way inside,I quickly went upstairs while Henry was smoking just outside. I grabbed the suitcase and a couple of boxes and started to stuff them with essentials,clothes and other small things we would need in the mean time. I was done pretty fast and I was convinced,I got what we need. I called out for Henry.
No answer.
   I called out again thinking he wouldn’t properly hear being outside,nothing. I made my way downstairs. The door was open,he was just outside,on the porch,smoking. As soon as I opened my mouth,to ask for help with things upstairs,it happened. Door suddenly closed,right in front of my face,slammed,hard and loud. Locking him outside and me inside. We were separated now and I was inside.Alone.I know he saw it,just as he saw my face drop,my eyes screaming for help as I actually let out a scream.It begins.


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