Miss Foster had a canary bird

Miss Foster had a canary bird. She really loved her canary and treated her like her best friend. Because Miss Foster did not have any friends or family,her canary was the only one she would talk to. She would dot around the bird every day.Give it water,more food and always clean it's cage but she would never let her little friend out of the cage from the fear of loosing it. The first thing she would do when she wakes up and the last thing she would do before going to bed,is checking on the bird to make sure it stays where it is from the fear of loosing her only friend. Miss Foster had a canary bird. Although she really loved her little canary and treated it like her best friend,she would never let the canary out of the cage. The canary would sing every day and Miss Foster always thought it was lovely, but the bird wasn't singing because it was mellow or happy,it was singing for the big wide open world just outside the window which was right next to the cage. E...