The Darkness I saw that night

  Everybody was talking about him. Some say they saw him in the middle of a clear day while others say they saw him drive by late at night. At this point you don’t know, are people looking for something to talk about or is this all true. I heard the stories but I had my doubts. These are some serious accusations but who am I to judge without knowing it all, besides, innocent until proven guilty, right? Right?
    I should have listened, stayed away and minded my own business but I didn’t. I saw him…who he was and what he did, and oh..he knew.
Last thing I remember before you found me, is this darkness, it was a very dark night, all lights in the houses were gone. It was completely quiet, peaceful. Too quiet.
I remember running, thinking to myself that if he catches me, God knows what will happen to me. I am not prepared to take that risk, I have to get out of here, I have to keep running. I was running along the train tracks, knowing that with a head start, it will be harder for him to catch me and car wont go up this steep hill. I saw lights in the distance, it was him alright. He was chasing me, this shadowy figure behind the wheel in this darkest night with a sole purpose of hunting me down like an animal.
I am not gonna lie,I was scared.
While running I kept thinking bout what I just saw over and over in my mind, there must be an explanation for it. I remember his wild, crazed eyes. They’ve been staring at me, dark, angry eyes. I saw something I shouldn’t have and now I have to pay.
While running along the tracks, I finally got to the road, crossed the road and saw houses.
   "I am safe! I won!"-I thought to myself. The safe haven the sight of houses gave me was a welcome relief and something I was trying to reach.
I turned around to see if he still was there, chasing me, out of the car, in the car..
He wasn’t there, and as I turned to walk home this is where it all went black.
Last thing I this darkness…
And then you found me..


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