Miss Foster had a canary bird

   Miss Foster had a canary bird. She really loved her canary and treated her like her best friend. Because Miss Foster did not have any friends or family,her canary was the only one she would talk to. She would dot around the bird every day.Give it water,more food and always clean it's cage but she would never let her little friend out of the cage from the fear of loosing it. The first thing she would do when she wakes up and the last thing she would do before going to bed,is checking on the bird to make sure it stays where it is from the fear of loosing her only friend.
   Miss Foster had a canary bird. Although she really loved her little canary and treated it like her best friend,she would never let the canary out of the cage. The canary would sing every day and Miss Foster always thought it was lovely, but the bird wasn't singing because it was mellow or happy,it was singing for the big wide open world just outside the window which was right next to the cage. Every day little canary would think how wonderful it would be out in the big wide open world outside,how wonderful it would be to meet different kinds of birds,live and be free but alas,the canary was stuck in its cage,day after day after day.
   One day,which seemed like any other day,Miss Foster woke up,got up and greeted her little canary with-"Good Morning!".She cleaned the cage and brought her favourite friend a drink and some food.
Suddenly a knock on the door,"who could it be?"-Miss Foster thought.Distracted by a knock she did not lock the little cage door. Miss Foster opened the door,it was her postman.He needed her signature and she was happy to help. Little canary in the meantime,saw the beauty of the outside world just slightly peaking out from the open door.The little bird saw the rays of sun and felt the cool breeze of the summer day.Canary pushed itself against the cage finally hitting the cage door,the bird was free,free to roam,to fly,to be itself and do what it was meant to do,to fly!Little canary went for the door,saw the light and felt the breeze.Canary flew by Miss Foster,flew by the mailman and flew out into the open.It was free,this was the day the little bird would fly and be free.
   Mrs Foster had a canary bird. She really loved her canary but the canary was no more. One summer's day it flew out of the house never to return again. Mrs Foster was heartbroken that her only friend had left her, but she took solace and the comfort knowing that the little bird is going to be someone else's friend just like it was to her.
Every day Mrs Foster would say morning and goodnight to her little bird but today the cage was empty.


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