Today is the day

I am tired. I am tired of looking out of the window onto the street,the world itself. I look at myself and I see the old man. The man who looks onto the world,sees the light breeze blowing,sees the colours of the world and the people in it but this man is unable to go out into the world. The man sees the people,where they go and what they do.He sees people experience the world and living this life but he is unable to do the same. This old man is bound to his house,to his room and he is bound to the window he is looking out of.Where's the old man,is looking out of the window and reminisces how his life was and where he went,I cannot help but feel like I am missing out on my own story. I want to experience the world itself.The colours it offers,the smells and the tastes.I want to meet the all of the people,create my own story and live my life. I want to travel and go places,I want to have my moments that I will look back on.Make life long friends and experience new things.
I look at myself and I cannot help but feel like I am an old man,locked in this house,locked in his room,reminiscing on life itself.But,where's the old man looks back,I have yet to make my story,I have yet to experience this world. My mind says go but my body is bound.I say tomorrow is the day but come tomorrow it never happens. Today I say,today will be the day I go.
-"Steven?"-said Emily
-"You're coming with us?or are you staying at home?as usual...
-"Yes,yes I am"-said Steven...


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