The all consuming dark

Oblivion.The all consuming darkness is around you. Tearing into you,pulling you in different directions. You feel helpess,lost,struggling and looking for the way out.You know theres is a way,you see the light,you reach for it but today you don't quite make it.Maybe tomorrow,maybe day after, but one of these days, it will be the day when you remove the shackles and what binds you,leave it behind and soar forward onto the world and into the unknown. You will soar high,you will go far but today you bound. The thought of what might be and could have been haunts you and you struggle. You struggle for that better tomorrow and you keep pushing.
Sometimes,darkness gives way and you move closer but sometimes it pushes you back even harder as if to teach you a lesson that you cannot fight it. But,but you are not alone.There are many with you who are bound and shackled just like you.Pinned down with no way out and hoping and wishing for the better and just like you they know it will happen sooner or later.The better will come. Reach out to the others,stick together and hold on tight.Strength is in numbers and together you can fight the dark and find the way for the better tomorrow.Remove each other's shackles and push for the better.Fight the dark,tame the beast and march forward onto the better tomorrow with other's by your side.


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