It was his fault

   Cold winter morning. All is gone.All is pale,white,covered in the cold dust from the high up. The snow has come,fast,thick and just like the body on the ground,the world was still.
   It was a middle of nowhere.Some forgotten road,passing by some forgotten forest. Clearing,fields,on the other side of the road,as far as the eye can see. No houses,no cars or people. Cold snow,silent world and the memories,flashbacks of what just happened still hanging in the air like an ominious cloud that just won’t go.The cloud which was growing bigger with every second and signalling the coming of the storm and then,the lightning. Scream. Her scream.She kneeled down next to the body of her husband. She pulled the lifeless body towards her,screaming in agony,crying,covered in tears and blood of her lover. He was gone just like that. She was lost. It was hopeless. Her mind at that moment could not stop thinking and she had just one thought: “Why him?Why now?...what have I done..”.Ok,maybe she had a couple of thoughts but still,it was a new experience for her. She usually knew where she was going,what she wanted and how she will get it. Clear mind,clear goal. That..was gone. Her mind was in pieces,she was a mess,scattered,lost. Now,sobbing for what seemed like an eternity,she slowly was loosing the grip of the body..slowly sliding down to the cold ground,the trail of blood left behind by the body on the expensive mink coat,was a stamp. A mark,a concrete proof and the reminder of what she did,to her,and the world.

    Woman was shattered she could not stop thinking how she lost the one she loved,how much he meant to her and how much she will miss him but then..the cold icy air reached her heart and as if it was a fairytale,our beautiful heroine turned back into the evil queen she was. Slowly but steadily,her old self started to creep in. As she was sitting in the cold snow,in the middle of the road,staring at her dead husband beside her, with revolver still next to her and loaded for more,she started to think differently:
 -“I mean,he did cheat,we would always argue,it was not working out,I was the victim,I had enough,there is only so much a person could take and it was an accident. The gun was always in the car but it was for protection.It was never intentional even though it did hurt me a lot seeing him with that slut of a friend, Jenny. It’s ok..Jenny will get what is coming to her,he already did…but it was an accident.They have to believe me,it was not on purpose. It was an accident. I am so sorry. Shit,I can see them all pointing at me and saying she killed a good man,he was saint in their eyes. Killed her husband in cold blood,delusional. I have to do something”.
   A moment later a grief striken wife was gone and a cold killer showed it’s true face. Now,it was less about him and more about her. Less about him being gone and more about her keeping her life and current lifestyle.
-“I have to hide the body.No body,no evidence,he is gone,I do not know where…there.”..
With that thought,determined,focused and ready,she started pulling the body of her husband towards their 1930’s Ford,still running. She was pulling his arm,sliding her husband all over the road,pulling hard,slowly but surely towards the car. Her perfect blonde hair were getting in the way. Red lipstick was getting smudged.The body was pulled in,pushed down,hidden and forgotten at least for a moment. Done!
-“Always the dramatic one,Patrick!You have to make a scene,always out of the car,in the middle of the street,screaming your lungs out..maybe with a bullet between your eyes you will finally shut up!”..and with that last thought,she pushed down on gas and left down the road and over the hill.
   She had a plan.Will it work? “Hopefully”..she thought to herself..and once more,the middle of nowhere was quiet again,except,now a big red splatter was marking the snow on the road,destroying the peace and innocence of the middle of nowhere and serving as a sign of something sinister taking place.


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