The written word therapy

   I thought today I will do something a little bit different. I want to talk about writing. Just a thought.My experience. I encourage you all to write.If you do not know where to start, sit down,start writing whatever comes to your mind. Soon a story will start emerging,characters and it is up to you where it goes,what happens,who lives and who dies. Who is the hero and who is the bad guy. It is all up to you. If no clear story comes,maybe you will spot a plot somewhere in there,characters,something you can you in your story. Maybe you had a story in your mind all this time. Put it in writing,put it on the paper,make it just might be better than you think. You might be doubting your skills but nobody is born a writer and it takes practice and from experience you will only get better. You will understand as you write,what works and what doesn’t. Your grammar will improve and you will realise how much freedom as a blogger,as a freelance writer you have,so it is really up to you,where you go with this and what happens.
   Writing helped me a lot. It helps you put your emotions on the paper.It helps you understand yourself and your problems better. It helps you escape from the mundane or the daily issues,it helps you clear your head.It helps you have fun,get wild and creative.With writing you can create something to call your own.You improve your skills,you do something with your time and you just might be helping someone on their rainy day. Just think about it. Anything,as long as you want and you just might not want to stop.
   As a kid I loved reading,I still do and I do belive it is important for kids and adults. It expands your mind and imagination. Improves grammar and reading speed as well as comprehension. Reading is so wonderful for so many reasons. It makes your mind wander,it is an escapism from the modern mundane daily life,it gets your imagination working. It helps you,makes you think and expands your thinking.If you do read a lot,do give writing a go because two go hand in hand.If you do not read,do try to pic that book that has been recommended to you,that book you have been eyeing and wondering about. It just might be the best thing that happened to you and better than your favourite show on Netflix. J.K Rowling always gives advice to younger people saying that if you are an inspiring writer,a good start is reading a lot of good books and I have to agree.
   I guess to sum it all up,this rant this advice and a thought,read! Give that book a go,go back to the book you left or pick that book which looks good on a shelf even if you don’t know anything about it. Expand your horizons,get your imagination going,grow as a person,find something new in yourself.Discover new world with new characters or just give that little extra to your holiday while you lay by the pool. If you want to take it a step further:give writing a go. I give it a go as a therapy and something that is mine and now it’s a big blog and one of a couple I have going. Writing helps you clear your mind,thoughts,lifts you up,clears it all up,cheers you up and gets the imagination going and you never just might be the next big blogger or have a best seller on your hands.
I am sorry for going on but writing,reading..pretty big and basic stuff and the benefits you get just from reading a good many so good.Do give that book a go and maybe even try writing your own story..


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