Dreaming up the chase

   Every night would be the same,and it was getting worse. At first,I would get ready for bed as usual,get comfortable and close my eyes. Before too long I was fast asleep and dreaming away. Then it started.I don’t remember when exactly but I do remember the first night. I dreamt of being in the park,sitting on the bench,autumn. I am reading the newspaper,sipping on the coffee. Dogs,children around. So nice,so peaceful and then it began. Out of nowhere,this big dark mass started to destroy everything. It appeared as a dark dot in the distance and as it was getting closer to me,it was getting bigger and bigger. It was swallowing everything in it’s way,leaving nothing behind. It was growing and getting closer. It was not like the dogs and the children were flying in it’s mouth. The dream was just being ripped apart,just ripped into nothing.Gone. this thing was getting closer to me and once it was real close,massive darkness,loud howl..I woke up,screaming,in sweat. It was a nightmare,it was over. This was new. I have never saw this and got no reason to have a nightmare. Happy as can be,as people would say. What was that about?But,it was just the beginning.
   Every night it would repeat. I would not be that tired to just, not dream and anyways I was dreaming pretty often all my life. I would be at the new location,peace and quiet and then this thing would appear and it would begin all over again. Everything gone,ripped apart and getting closer to me. The best way to describe this would be a moving,living black hole..It’s as if it was a darkness itself but it was a living thing. As it would progress every night,It would get worse. Every night,it was getting harder and harder to escape. It was harder to wake up and it got to the point where I started to drink more and more coffee just to make sure I sleep less and less often. It was getting to me,it was getting hard and I had to fall asleep tonight. I needed rest. A long rest.Little did I know,I would have all of the time in the world to rest after this night.
   Tonight I did it all as usual. Ready for bed,in bed,fast asleep. It was glorious. I knew what was coming but I needed to sleep. And just as promised it began. Tonight,I was in my living room,feet up and watching TV,some show I never seen was on. So nice,so relaxing and then the howl. That howl that noise,as if the ship or a train or whatever was coming. Wake up!Wake up!!!!I told myself in the dream. I slept and pinched myself but nope. Before I knew it,my living room wall was ripped open. There it was,sucking everything inside the room into itself. I summoned myself and leaped towards the door,I pulled it open and…I was falling. I fell from the sky to the sandy beach. Still wearing my sweater from the living room,I was on the beach.The thing,the dark was gone. Just me..so nice. Could it be it?Are we done?As I sat down,the skies started to get dark,I just knew it was coming. The skies are dark,and as if through horizon,this thing travelled from the skies to the sea.The sea was as black as night and then it appeared. Swallowing up the sea itself,moving towards me. I ran.

   I ran as fast as I could. On the beach,in socks and sweater and sweatpants away from the big bad monster. Whatever it was. I know sounds stupid,ridiculous but don’t ask me what my dreams are,I just see them.Next thing I know,I trip.I fell to the ground.I turn around and look at the skies and its raining. I am at the park. It’s autumn.What is happening?What is this?How do I get out?I scream for help,I look for people.I cannot wake up and there is nothing in this dream but me and this thing. I stand in the middle of the park and next thing I know I’m in the middle of the street. Then,then it was top of the tower in some metropolis.China?Then..boat.Top of the mountain. Plane seat. Underground. What is happening?I was blinking from place to place to place. My dream was going insane. This thing was nowhere but it messed everything up. And then it stopped.
   I was in the dark. Alone. Quiet.Empty. No people,animals,nothing.Just me. Just dark. I do not know what happened. I do not know where I am and how to get out. All I know is that I am stuck here and as far as I know,I am still dreaming. It’s as if this thing broke down the reality of my dreams. It ate them all up until nothing was left. I went blinking through it all,all I have seen,all it has eaten until I ended up at the final one where I have never been to. The dark itself. It finally caught up,it got me,I tried.I did try.Now,I just need to wake up.Question is,how?...


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