The banner shall burn

   Blood red banners. What once was a symbol of victory and hope,now is a symbol for oppression,punishment,his rule. He rules with an iron fist and a rotten heart. All who cross his path,get in his way,say a word or do a deed against him,shall face the judgement and the judgement always is the same,death.He has changed,power changed him. Power always changes men. Those of the weak will and of the lesser mind,those people always get corrupted,carried away. They taste the power and all they want is more and he is no exception.
   His blood red banners,the symbol of his rule,the symbol of fear, slowly dance in the wind as if they were mocking the people he is supposed to serve. The fountain square,where all of the celebrations would take place,is nothing but a desolate wasteland,left behind and forgotten. There are no celebrations in this city,not any more. Not since he came to power. Correction,unless the celebration has something to do with him. Usually,him taking over another piece of land like a hungry giant who destroys everything in his path.
   The fountain square shall sing again. I swear,I swear to it all,hand on heart,the square shall sing and people will breathe again, once more, with confidence. The air will be filled with song and all of the people shall be set free from his reign.From his tyranny. Be whomever you want to be,anything is possible. We will return to the good old days. I don’t know about myself but people will see those days again. I shall set them free. I will make sure the madness stops and the madman is put to the blade. He shall be punished,he shall pay and that what is wrong, shall be written anew. Shall be written right. I will see these banners burn,the scarlet red shall disappear from the streets like his name,into the nothingness,into the wind and taken out of this city.His pillars shall burn,his castle will fall and his legacy will crumble and rot,like a disease that it is.
   I might be perceived as a monster by some,as a killer by others and as both by the rest. It is for the better,they all suffer in silence and nobody has the strength to fight back. They all,the time itself will heal and they all shall be,will be,grateful.I have had enough,I will not be living like this and I will not see my fellow people suffer in silence. It is for the better,for the better tomorrow.For the better of the people and for my family. My family. I hope they understand,will understand after all is done. It has to be done. I might not see my children having a better future I have promised them but I will know,that I have delivered it to them. I will know it has been done and the tyranny is over. The banner shall burn and the freedom shall be set upon these empty streets. The life will return to this city once more,regardless of what is to come my way,of this I am sure.


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