Eyes firmly on Sigma

   Bright neon’s shinning on the busy small street. It was late evening but the street was busy and packed with all kinds of people. Laughter coming from all directions,you could hear some drama unfold in the apartments above, as well as occasional love making. That’s what happens when many people,are cramped in the small area but over the years you learn to live with it and of course,deal with it. I brush it off,don’t pay attention anymore. At first yeah,I was like all of the newcomers,shocked,disgusted and very confused but I am not a newcomer, anymore. It is my fourth year now and I should reeaaally, get a medal.The street is bustling with life, and although it might be a bit much sometimes,it has it’s benefits. It helps you forget,keeps you in the moment,keeps you alive and reminds you, what it is to be a human. What life is.It takes you away from what life, is like out there. I won’t complain,I learned to embrace it. The neon on these streets seem to be getting brighter and brighter day by day, I swear. The red’s and the green’s,the yellow and the blue. It’s as if a man made rainbow is gracing these filthy streets, where sun don’t shine. Sun don’t shine here for sure, considering how filthy this place is but like I said,I am not complaining.

   Back from another scavenge hunt. Don’t have much, but enough to get by. Getting by is what I am good at, but in my defence,it’s hell out there,at least for me it is and I do what I have to, but I do not have much to do it with,so..I scrape by. Hmmmm,the moon’s are out tonight,both of them.Doesn’t happen often, but guess we already on that time of year. How fast time flies,at least on this planet. I guess it’s back to dust storms and all the shit that comes with it. Gotta keep my gun closer than ever, knowing that they are coming. The group of assholes from another side of the planet,or should I say, assholes from over the rainbow. We call them well,raiders, as that’s what they are. They have their own encampments on the other side of the planet but come dust storms,lots of stranded people,lost ships,lost belongings, and that’s when the assholes pounce. Nobody likes them,but we deal with them and get on with it,it’s like a bug,flying in your face but not really doing anything,an annoyance. For now at least.There are rumours but there are lots of rumours around this place,better be safe then sorry I guess,gun close.

   Shit,just my luck. Another one of those moon rains. Storm caused by the effect of two moon’s. So much for  handing in what I scavenged. Gotta get to my place and fast. I ain’t dying because of the moon rain and it seems like everyone has got the same idea. The street got empty pretty fast. I can almost hear myself think. Silence.Hmm…been a while since I smiled. That’s new. Last time I did smile,it was with them.The band of misfits,we laughed at ourselves. Those were the times,we were family. Not really, but it felt like it. Kinda like those books of old say. We were so close,it was like it's my family.Family I never had, but gotta stop thinking bout it.It is done.They are gone, and I have to think about myself.
   Here’s my place. Finally,that was too close. Rain started to eat through my jacket again. Shit. Now I need a scrap for new jacket as well. Great. I lost count, how many jackets I lost to this goddamn rain, on this forsaken planet.

   Hoooooney I’m home!!!I wish it was my husband or wife but nope,just a scrap of metal. At least you are my scrap of metal, isn’t that right?That’s right!That's right!Yes you are!..These drones are pretty basic but it gets the job done and I guess some kind of company for me. If not for this scrap,my work and my little hobby,I would go insane and I’m sure of it. I would just be like one of those zombies,wondering the wasteland. Gone insane and lost my purpose. They don’t even look like people anymore. I mean they are, but they not the same. It’s scary and sad and here I am, thinking again. Gotta make myself some grub.I am starving. Not that I have much. This will do, I guess.Hmmmm..Tomorrow another outing. Another day another outing. Gotta inspect that ship I saw. No time today but I gotta get to it before the raiders start coming out. It has to have it on board. I need a radio. I know the signal is real,I know it’s there,I heard it. Once I will find the frequency, I will have the coordinates. Then,the ship.Ship should be easy,I mean I can steal from anyone and I won’t be back so good luck finding me. I will leave some kind of payment though,I am not a criminal,I mean I will try to pay it off. Then, off I go. Sigma 7,the land of the free,if the rumours are true. At least, that’s where they are, and I have to get to them.I got to,for my own sanity and to warn them about him.Goddammit he will kill them,I can just hope I will get to them faster,luckily, he is one step behind but right behind me. I gotta watch my back as well. I can’t mess this up. Why can I never catch a break my little drone buddy?Ah,what do you know…


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