When all is lost,Part1

   He plunged the blade deep in his heart.He twisted the cold dark steel. Blood was pouring everywhere like a warm sticky tar. He was covered in it. An animal,a beast. He slayed the enemy but it was just the beginning for the growing monster inside him. He was boiling,furious. The menacing force inside him was growing by the second and it demanded the sacrifice,blood. The blood of the enemies,kill them all,slay them and show them what it is like to pick a fight with the desperate man. He pulled the blade out of the still warm corpse and dragged it behind him,leaving nothing but destruction,death and the pile of cold bodies.
   On the way home,with his weapon dragging across the ashy cold dry earth,the earth which has seen so much fighting and death,he kept thinking about the man’s face. That twisted contorted grimace of a hopeless desperate man crying for help and clinging to life only to have it taken away by a shadow blocking out the sun. They deserved it,he deserved it,it is all worthwhile. It was a long time coming and they have to avenged,he thought to himself. There was a reason for everything but was it,at this point more of an excuse for a bloodshed to satiate his blade rather than avenge those he held dear. To satisfy the monster inside him and see the earth burn and be painted red. Whenever any doubt arose,he pushed aside and out of the way. His thinking cannot be clouded,not now. He has to focus and finish what he started. This man was determined to succeed whatever happens to him or he will die trying. He had nothing left,nothing left to live for and nothing to loose and the man who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous of all. The will cry and they will scream,they will beg and put up a fight but no weapon or resolve of theirs will stand in his way. This man was on a mission with nothing but darkness and despair on his side,to spill the enemy blood and then he can disappear into the night and bury the blade of his forever. Whether the steel or blood will corrupt or kill him,he will finish what was started.

   Then,suddenly he stopped. He lifted his heavy tired head,wearing the helmet which screams terror to his enemies,and saw her. Spear drawn,full armour and ready to fight. She was seeing the monster on the path of destruction,the monster which must be stopped at any cost necessary and she will sacrifice her life to protect her own people. She did not know his story but she did not care. It had to be done and she had the same goal as he did with as much determination no less. He held up his sword,held it tighter and with the fire in his eyes and the thirst for blood he lunged. She closed her eyes for a second,uttered a prayer and lunged straight at him.

Part 2 is coming soon..


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