Make It Stop-Finale-Uninvited Guests

   I saw them. Tall dark figures,filling up the room,appeared out of nowhere. I could not believe what I was seeing. I saw it all, up until now but ghosts?A floating spirit right in front of me?This is a new high for this house. Ghosts is the obvious thing to call them but they are something else,no particular shape and the colour of the tar,black,menacing.Now,now all these things are explained,the floor,the walls,the noises. This is not my house,it is theirs and I am the trespasser,not the other way round. I am an uninvited guest who is still lucky to be alive. I slowly back away from the figures,who are slowly approaching me now and then I feel it. The door behind me is locked. I forgot it slammed just a second ago. This is it,no escape,this is how it ends.
    I don’t know what to do,the only thing that comes to my mind is to dash upstairs,this is where the Henry should be. He went to pick up the luggage,all our belongings. We were supposed to leave this house.Why,why are we still here,all I want is peace,the escape. Why won’t this end already. I ran to the bedroom. I am upstairs and I am running screaming,he is just not here. I go for the bags and look for the gun. I know what it sounds like,spirits,ghosts and you are looking for a gun. I was scared,they looked like they could be hurt,in some way,somehow,at least I was hoping and this is the best way I could think of,to hurt them. I got the gun. One of them appeared what felt like next to me. This dark shadowy figure,tall but this is not how I knew it was close,it is the cold you feel,standing next to it. It lunged at me as if to grab me and I shot at it. Fast and furious,the bullet rang through the house.

   It seemed to be somewhat bothered by a physicality of a bullet passing through it but it’s just that,it passed through it. You could see it lodged in the wall now.I quickly got out of the way and ran for the door. I got into the second floor hallway and closed the door,I ran and as I looked behind me, I saw it. This thing just appears out of nowhere and it is not bothered by anything. So how the hell,am I supposed to stop something like this. The only way is to get away. I ran downstairs,and as I rushed down,I felt the cold swoop around my feet and I tumbled. Next thing I remember,I half open my eyes,gun is in front of me on the floor,and the things,spirits start to surround me. I don’t have any energy.My whole body,aches.They gather,they grab at me and the next thing I see,darkness,black liquid starts to appear in my veins,slow and steady. Right where they hold me,it spreads through my body and all I could feel is cold. How it seemingly cuts the parts of my body away from the torso until I feel,what seems to be ice,right where my heart should be. I struggle,I fight and the figures are pushed back. I cannot harm them but I can push them and force them out of the way. They are not affected by anything but they do seem to be slowed down by the physical objects and actions.
   I leap for the gun. I grab it,useless but a comfort and I do know they will back off. Slow down at least. I look at the crowd of them,take a shot just to slow them down and then,they disappear.They are gone. Then,I see it. I see what I did,what I have done. What have I done?Henry,on the floor,he is trying to speak,struggling to breathe,while his blood is spreading all over the wooden floor,all over this haunted house. I have killed him. My husband is dying in my arms and I have killed him,the house killed him. I am in shock,unable to move,how,why. What just happened? The only explanation I can think of, they had him,or he was right behind them,or it’s a trick. I had to get out. I need to get out or I am next. Henry stopped. He just stopped being,he is dead,I cannot hear him or see any movement.I watched him collapse,eyes wide,looking at me,only for him to die in my arms knowing,I am the the one who kills him.This is hell. What have I done.

   I need to get out,call for help. I rush towards the door,try my hardest to open it and it just swings open. I run towards the people on the street,I scream for help and beg for the phone. I know what it might look like,I am with a gun,covered in blood and screaming,running around. I need help,that’s all I was screaming,help me.
    Moments later the house is surrounded by police and ambulance,I see them taking Henry away on the stretcher in the body bag. I knew he was gone. I am questioned by a police officer and all I could think of,is what have I done. I didn’t even know what to say about the house.They would all think I'm crazy. I asked for my things from the house,once again,it is like nothing happened so I just wanted to get away but they insisted I stayed around and in the car and the next stop would be the police station. I had an explanation,it was an accident,I am broken but it is not enough. I had to be taken in.
   Next month was a whirlwind. I was apprehended,questioned,and eventually arrested. Like a dirty criminal,a crazy person,lost it in the house only to kill the one they loved. Been done before,seen it all apparently. That was not the case but they all think I'm crazy when it comes to the house. Henry’s coworkers told police that he told them about issues at home,how I was stressed,uncomfortable. Kept finding wrong things with the house and apparently he was feeling like he was being blamed. Neighbours saw me run out of the house,screaming with the gun in hand so adding it all up,It was over. Now,I am awaiting trial and there is a talk of pleading insanity. I know what I saw,it is all in my diary but it seems like it is a fuel for my fire and the fire is still burning bright. Next stop,asylum and a small part of me is happy I will never be around that house again. It’s a small consolidation from the nightmare that is this. 

    I can’t help but think what happens next with the house. It will be closed. For how long? Will be destroyed?Possibly not.Most likely not,so there must be new people moving in sometime.I wish I knew who and when, so that I can warn them about what’s to come. But I cannot,not at the moment and if someone will be unlucky enough to get that house,I prey to God,the hell they will go through is more merciful and swift than mine as they will go through hell.


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