Before the tide comes

   You know when you go to the beach and you draw or write something on the sand,it’s fun to see what other people write. Sometimes it is something crude yes,but most of the time it’s sweet. Groups of friends leaving their mark or just two people in love,sharing a moment with the world around them. I love finding those,they make me happy. It’s sweet.
   When you think about,it is sad how in the end,it is all swept away,taken,reclaimed by the ocean. The waves wash it all,they wipe the slate clean. The sand is cleared up for the new writers and artists to come and leave their mark. Just for that day they can claim this land of ocean and sand as their own,but come new day and there will be no trace of them ever being there. There is a certain beauty in it. Beauty and sadness. Like the mark we leave on the beach,we as people,leave a mark with our lives,with those we are with and on those around us. However,it is sad that no matter how big or beautiful that mark is,the message it bears and what it stands for,eventually,time,like the ocean, sweeps it away until nothing is left. I guess just like that one day,those friends and lovers have on the beach to keep their mark,we have our own day to leave ours,to really leave a memorable one and it is up to us, what it is and how big will it be. It is just sad knowing it will all be for nothing but why not give it all you got,why not show the world what you are capable of and leave an enormous masterpiece while it does last. If that is what you are after. Sometimes,the smallest of messages,marks,bear the strongest emotions,memories and impression. So don’t just make it a big one,make it a lasting one. Make it count. Make that knowledge of the coming ocean wave,drive you,push you to really make it special,make it yours.
   Like a grain of sand on the quiet morning beach,the memories were washed away. Time,like the ocean, picked up all and swept it away. The heavier memories,the ones which left the marks and the footprints, took time, but as it always is with the ocean,eventually it reclaims all and sweeps it all away. I guess it was possible after all,to leave a mark. I guess the message was seen after all.I am reborn,I am anew,I am alive.


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