Thank You

   I still remember it like yesterday. The sky was dark blue,the colour of the ocean,you know sometimes you get that bright clear water but sometimes you get those rough deep dark blue seas. That one!It was filled with stars,as if someone scattered little grains,million of tiny little diamonds all over the table cloth which is the night sky. You could hear the music coming from inside. People were having fun,laughter filled the air,it was infectious,enticing. It seemed like so much fun and I had to go in. It was a long day,I needed a drink and I was totally up for a random conversation just to get my mind off all of the shit that plagued me back then. It was busy,drinks were flowing,conversation followed,it was exciting,electric. I was lost the minute I stepped through that door,it was my wonderland in this modern hell I lived. Everyone was a stranger but the smiles I saw,the warmth I felt,it was beautiful.
   I made my way to the bar. I needed a drink and I was ready for my random conversation with a complete and total stranger. Whiskey on ice,always the choice when it comes to troubles,you know me now.That day was no exception. I saw you,across the bar.You saw me,sounds cheesy but I am the one telling the story and you know it’s true. That smile,I will never forget it,those eyes. I felt safe,comfortable,lost and confused and happy. I knew then and there,this was the right decision and I did not want this moment to stop. I took a sip of my drink and looked away. Next thing I know,you were next to me. You couldn’t stay still could you?I don’t blame you,you beat me to it,I gotta admit. I’m glad you did though. Looking back,I really don’t know where would I be now. I cannot imagine and I don’t want to.

    We started talking,you opened with the cheesiest one liner I have ever heard and oh,it made me so happy. Honestly,I was totally and utterly lost in your face. I think you cracked a joke to make it better but you just dug yourself into a bigger hole. I continued and you are welcome. Who knows where we would be if those jokes kept coming. We introduced ourselves to each other,drink was flowing,conversation too. The music was a perfect backdrop to what was happening,that steady slow guitar playing,it was dream like. I was lost the minute I walked through that door and still lost in those eyes,that face,looking back on it,it seems like one big dream,that whole night. It was perfect,it was all in sync and it felt like I was in a movie. Knowing me and my life,I was convinced something will happen,it will go wrong,something. Lucky for me,here we are,I am so happy and I would not change it for the world. That night,from the stars to the guitar full of beautiful sombre soul,to your eyes and your smile. The warmth and care,all of the attention you gave me. The smiles all around us and the happiness I felt. It made me complete,made me forget,made me happy. I just wanted to say thank you,thank you for being there,thank you for the wonderful night I will never forget. You are that night,the stars and the music,I thank you.


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