Not just yet

   Late night. Street is empty. Street lights shine down on the empty road. Not a single person around. Not a single car passing by. Whole world is asleep,bracing themselves for the day ahead. It’s quiet,bugs float around in the light. Not a soul but a single man.He sits at the bus stop under the light. Just him,alone. Waiting for the the last bus tonight. He is going home,or so he thought. He started thinking.He was thinking about his life and as he was pondering his being,his mood changed. His goal to head home changed. He was just there,just then,at that moment and time,thinking about where he is heading and what happened prior.

   The man’s mood changed from a mellow, warm,jolly to melancholy and a quiet feeling of sadness. The man has come to realise that he is all alone..His family is away from him and they say they care but they never really bother talking to him until it suits them.He doesn’t really have any friends. The man never really makes any, and nobody has a desire to be a friend of this man. The man is single,alone and lonely,always looking but never finding. Countless number of failures and bruising of the heart and yet he stands today,stronger than ever,but wounded and beaten nevertheless. So,the man has gone from jolly self to down in the dumps,quite fast. The reflection made him think that he has nothing but pain behind him,no particular goal or future ahead of him and nobody there for him at the moment. Made this man feel quite like nothing,nothing at all. What is the point to life?What is the point to his life and his existence when it leads nowhere,to nothing and nobody. Yes,it is in his hands but the years so far have been nothing but the pain so where is the guarantee that what is to come is not more of the same. The man is feeling it. That feeling of empty dark,the feeling that quite often encroaches on him and he is familiar with.
   As he is feeling the all familiar emotions,he notices a black boot next to him. He has been staring at the ground in front of him all this time and now,out of the corner of his eye he notices a black boot. His eyes go up the boot and higher,to see who wears the boot. Before him,sitting right next to him is a woman. Woman of age. Dressed in all black. A flowing thick black dress,black boots and a black Sunday hat. The woman is composed,elegant and quiet. She just watches the man in despair. He notices her,realising he is not alone any more,he tries to compose himself. A woman suddenly speaks in sombre,slow sad voice.Gentle and calming:
-“I’m here because you called me.I know what you thinking. This is not the first time you felt this way but this time was the strongest. I am sure you can tell by now who I might be.”
The man,still confused about what is happening and who the woman is,is stomped. How does she know who he is?What he is thinking?Who is she?What is this all about?
-“I know all of the things you think about and when you feel at your worst,darkest,that’s when I come. Today has been your best day for that,or worst and it allowed to come to you in all my glory. I am here to help you. To relive you of the suffering and uncertainty. I am here to guide you to your way out and take you with me.It is time.This time is the one.”
The man is in shock.By now he understands who this might be but this is insane. He must be going crazy or this woman is totally nuts.
-“I can assure you I am quite well and I am what you think I am.It is time.”
The man speaks:
-“But,but I am not ready.I always feel this way. There are things I can still do.There are things I want to do. I do not think I am ready. Not yet.”
Woman speaks in her calm manner:
“I think you are ready.You have been thinking about this for so long. It is time. I am here to help.Start anew. End it all.”

Suddenly,as the conversation was progressing, a man became irritated. He became annoyed.The thought of him not being able to do things he always wanted,have things he always wanted,not having that..It made the man angry. Yes,it was not his best day and he was not feeling well and it was not the first time. But,it does happen and happened before and today is just more of the same. It comes and goes. It’s not the end. Today is not the day and even though there are so many wrongs in his life and nothing seem to quite go his way,still,he wants to try. He is not done yet. This is not it. He still got time. He will make it happen. There is still some hope for his dreams and there must be somewhere,someone who cares about him.
   During all this thinking the woman just stayed still,she was watching the man rattle his mind,go through it all,reflect and ponder in his mind.Alone and in silence,something he does best,she noticed. Now, reinvigorated the man turned to the woman in black, to say that it is not the time yet,he is not ready.He needs more time. Still,so much to do. Not today.As he turned to the woman,he noticed she was gone. Not a trace,empty bus stop.Nothing but a cool breeze blew around him. Empty street.Empty road. Like nothing happened. The man was confused and perplexed about what just happened. Something in him clicked,a flame ignited in his eye. A bus appeared in the distance.Now with a new purpose,another try,man stood up and entered the bus before him.


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