Shouldn't have opened it

  So the story goes something like this. It was a rainy dark night.It always is, in these stories,cmon. But still,it WAS a rainy dark night. No moon,no stars and pouring rain,hard. Steven,a 35 year old married man, was finishing up at the office.. He was working extra hours that night, and before he knew it,it has gone dark,fast. His wife called him at the office and he said he was finishing the work he had and was going home. He had two kids, and kids and wife wanted him back home,he was a busy man. He did the work to the best of his ability,as much as he could and locked the office. He ran through the downpour to his car,got in the car and started the engine. The car was not in the best condition but it was functional and he could not afford a new one at the moment. After a couple of tries,the car started,lights on,Steven pulled out of the car park.He was on his way home.
   It was a small town and nothing really ever happened in it. Maybe an annual pie eating contest, but that’s about it. The office was just outside of town and Steven had a little drive from his office to his house. The drive always took him through the dense woods. The woods were so dense.Barely any light was coming through in the day. So you can imagine that on a rainy day,at night. It’s pitch black. Nothing to it,Steven thought,headlights on and ready to go. As he was driving though the woods,going back home, he noticed a hitchhiker. This felt like a plot of a horror movie’s late,the road is empty and its pouring rain. The guy is in the middle of nowhere,he needed help. Steven,being the good guy,the sucker,that he is..he always needed to help so regardless of the worries he had,he stopped the car to help the hitchhiker,to drive him to town. From there, he can keep going or get a shelter.
Steven stopped the car,rolled down the car windows before the man and invited him in. The dark figure,face obscured in the night,wearing black,got in the car without a word. Now,he was in the car.Hitchhiker was in the car,away from rain and the dark and yet he was dripping in rain water like it’s still was pouring inside.The man was wearing all black. Black jeans,black jacket and had a hood on. Once in the car,the man pulled his hood off and revealed thick black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was all wet in rainwater. The man jumped in the car with a strange big bag. It seemed heavy and bag was on the backseat now. The man himself smelt of a pretty strong odour. Like a rot or something very old and unpleasant. A good mix of death and decay as well as a strong drink and no shower for a month, kinda thing. The smell was very strong in the small,closed off car but nevertheless,Steven started to drive,refusing to draw attention to the obvious.The man looked fairly normal but there was something creepy and weird about him,besides the smell and all black and a creepy know.

   While on the drive to town,Steven started talking.A conversation to break the ice and remove the tension,anonymity in the air.With a cough and somewhat uncomfortable,he started..
-Steven: “So,stranger,bad night huh?”
Stranger just had his eyes forward,staring into the dark,still wet,watching the rain outside..Steven tried again..
-Steven: “So uhmm,what’s your name stranger?”
Stranger opened his mouth and what came out was a much deeper voice than Steven expected. It was somewhat sad and sombre but also something dark was behind it,it was unsettling. The man spoke slowly, unnerved.
-Stranger: “My name is Tom,it’s Thomas,Tom.”
-Steven: “Nice to meet you Thomas!So what brings you in our part of the woods. We are a small town,what brought you here?Where are you from?”
-Thomas: “I’m always on the road,I do not have a home and I always keep moving.”
The reply was strange. The man did not have a home,he was not going anywhere in particular. It made Steven somewhat uneasy and made him think of a cheap,old horror films where the story starts with a night like this.After a silence lasting a while..Steven tried again. They were getting closer to town now but still,it would be awkward to sit in silence for most of the ride. So he continued:
-Steven: “You been travelling around long?Seen anything interesting?”
-Thomas: “I met many interesting,beautiful people. I have a great interest in people and the characters and the different bodies. I am a sort of an artist,you see.”
Steven was fascinated.He wanted to know more but the weather and the man himself put him off asking any more questions because God knows what happens next. Let’s just take this man to town and move on. That’s all he wanted.
   Before they knew it, they got to town. Steven drove to the middle of the town and dropped the man off. Thomas said thank you in a quiet,deep,uneasy voice and slowly left the car. He closed the door and just stood there in the rain. Not moving,watching  Steven. Steven on the other hand,did not do the same and put the pedal to the metal as fast as he could and drove off. Before he drove off too far, he remembered the bag!..He turned around, half way to his house now,and went back to the spot where he left the man. Of course,he was gone. Now Steven was left with this man’s bag and who knows what’s inside. It just might be his essentials but then he will definitely need them. He turned around to have a look at it. Big black bag,it looked stuffed and seems like the awful smell was actually coming from the bag itself. Please,don’t let it be chopped up body on the back of my car.That’s all that was running through his mind as he got closer to the bag. Suddenly,something inside the bag moved. Oh my God,something moved,inside the bag. Something alive is in there and it smells like hell. Steven,slowly and quietly,started to unzip the bag.He had to know,the smell,the movement,something was off. The man himself was off. He needed to know what was in it and if it’s bad, he had to call the cops and tell the story,just the type of guy he was. So,he started unzipping the bag and then..Oh God..
   And then who knows..Nobody knows actually. The following morning his car was found in the center of a town,empty. No Steven,no Thomas the hitchhiker,no bag.Just a car. Steven’s wife reported she called him the night before and he said he was on his way but he never said anything else. All the belonging were gone from the car and no sight of the man or his guest. Nobody knows what happened,nobody knows where the story of the hitchhiker began but,there were reports of a man dressed in black jacket,all black,with a heavy big black bag,trying to catch a ride. By the time it was reported and the police got on the scene for questioning..The man was always gone,like he was never there.Who knows where Thomas the hitchhiker is.He just might be in your town right now,passing through.


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