
8:36am. She opens her eyes.
-Fuck!The light is so fucking bright. Yesterday was nuts. God,my head. What time is it?
She turns her head to look at the clock.
-Oh my God!Shit!
She springs from the bad,grabs her skinny jeans of the chair next to the bed. Puts them on. She grabs a top,puts it on and over her lace bra,fast.No time to waste. She is running late. Teeth brushed.
-God my head.Where the fuck is my phone?Gotcha!Choo’s?There you are my babies!Never going out without you two.
She grabs her Prada handbag from the table,gets her cigarettes and keys out. Pops some pills for her headache,as usual.She grabs her portfolio off the table. This is big,she can’t mess this up. Not again. Running out of the house,locks the door. Keys in the bag.Phone in hand.Cigarette out and in the mouth,lit up.
-So good,I need it.
Phone rings.
-Fuck!Hello?Yeah,I’m on my way. I nearly missed it. I can’t.Not again!You got you portfolio?Me too.So where you at right now?Grab me one too,I need it. Just black.Ok.See ya girl.Love ya.
Strong strides,walking fast down the street. Long beautiful hair flowing in the wind. Sunglasses on,hiding the cat eye still there from last night. Red lips.Always. Phone rings as she finishes the cigarette. It’s him.
-God no!I mean it was fun but no.Ignore!Gotta remember to block him. He takes this way too seriously.
She is near the offices. Maria is there with two cups of coffee. One bound to be for her and she needs it. After last night and for what is coming.
-M:You ready?Excited?Girl,you look like shit!Here,I got you one as ordered. Seems like you need it.
-V:Thanks.You are a lifesaver. I need it. I have the worst headache. I don’t think I can do it after last night. I gotta stop doing it.
-M:You always say that and yet here we are. Don’t be too hard on yourself,it’s just fun.While we young huh?
-V:While we young.
Girls laugh and walk into the offices. This is it. Another all or nothing or after a yesterday it’s more nothing with a possible all. Just another day at the office for Victoria. 


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