Depression 101

Another day,Another day I will try to forget. Depression is a bitch,let me tell you. One day you have it all and you are on top of the world and another,you are way down in the gutter. Lucky if you get to keep it all,not that it matters. Depression doesn´t pick or choose. It just comes out of nowhere,in and out,out if you´re lucky. It comes in waves and when the wave comes,oh this bitch hits you hard and washes it all away.Happy?Lucky?Let me just take it all away,buddy.None of it will matter when I am done with you.Anyways,got one of these waves hitting me pretty hard and today,I think I will just sleep through it. Really do not feel like facing the world right about now. So,today I will spend in bed,try to sleep and hopefully tomorrow,I will get to sleep for longer so that I do not have to deal with this shit. Hopefully soon,I will ride it out and back to the real world like nothing happened and nobody will know any better. So this plan of mine kinda is working,k...