The killing

   Killing,slicing,dicing,fucking.That’s all you want. All you ever wanted,so why pretend. I see you through and through. The monster you are. The desires and twisted fantasies a little creature like you possesses. Sad,true and far from fantasy,and that is the scary part. I know the truth,we both do, but you still go for it. Pursuing it,looking to satisfy this insatiable appetite of yours.Monster! It’s in your eyes,it’s on your face!Get away from me! Diseased creature,a monster,a demon,an evil incarnate.Why did you do it?Why did you go there?What did she do to you?Did she deserve it or does your appetite have no bounds?
    I'm leaving,rushing,running and don’t you chase me,touch me.Leave me,now! I saw too much and know it all,there’s too little I can do now and I refuse to see more. Don’t touch me,you shell of a man,you twisted spirit. I run,I stumble and fall,rush forward. I push and pull and leap,I just want to get away. I had enough,no more. The things I’ve seen, the horrors I witnessed. Not me,all him,his fault,not me. I’m in,doors locked,on the floor,quivering,shaking. Eyes closed,not real, not here, no more not again, please make it stop. Deep breathes,heart beating..end it,stop it,leave me,left him,please, no more. I get up,I go to bed,escape. Eyes closed and praying I don’t wake up to see him again,I don’t wake up to see the handiwork of the monster,I love,loved and will never love again. A fiend!Why me,why now,why him and us? No more,no escape,not again,I beg you please not him..


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