The all too real nightmare

   It´s pretty late. I should get some shut eye.Not really tired but I guess, I never am. I should get my sleep on track and tomorrow gotta be up early morning,soooo,I guess bed it is. Pretty warm,not the most comfortable but it will do. Closing my eyes,now!Now...Ok,can´t sleep. Don´t think. Not thinking. I am still not thinking. I will stop thinking,now. Blank mind and I am not thinking,still,now!Suddenly,I hear the banging at the door. I guess,I did fall asleep. Confused and rattled,I open my eyes and the next thing I see,axe coming through the pieces of my door.
   Confused,half asleep,terrified. I look at the corner of my room,where the door is,and these loud bashing noises are followed by the flying pieces of my door and the big axe inside it. He walks in. He broke through. Long blonde hair on the sides,half bald. This big menacing face with a sinister smile and the axe in his hand. I don´t know who he is but I know one thing,I don´t have anywhere to go. I scream.I open my eyes. He is gone. Room is empty. Peace and quiet. Just a dream I guess. Kinda embarrassing I screamed but it was too real for my liking. Guess I did fall asleep but damn, It´s hot and uncomfortable. No wonder I see nightmares. Then,I hear it.the whispers.

   Coming from the sides of my bed,barely audible,whispers. I swear I can hear them.Another dream?Am I awake now?This does not sound right. Suddenly,Hands come from the sides of my bed. Reach at me,grab me and hold me down. Both sides,many tar black hands. Burned in the fire. Whispers continue and I am pinned down. Terrified. Confused. Am I dreaming?Why am I not waking up?My bed starts to melt,breaking into pieces. It falls and folds into itself until it turns into a giant hole below me.It keeps going deeper and lower,darkness,never ending pitch black hole. Then,like a Christmas tree,it lit up, with fire. Creeping,from deep down below,towards me.This time,I was holding on to the hands which hold me but now,they let me go. I held on for as long as I could until I had nothing left in me and I let go. In a couple of seconds me and the fire met up.I did not wake up and I wish this was a nightmare.


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