All the colors of life

   Floating,flowing. Amber and green,blue and yellow. Euphoria. Music flows and flies past me. Suspended in time. Suspended in the moment. I see it. I am there. I feel it under my feet. Lift off. Past the stars and into the night. Past the people and on stage with the stars. Energy. Waves. Ebb and flow of time and feeling. Happiness.Freedom. Nostalgia and memories. They don´t know but they understand. They don´t understand but they been there themselves. One.United. A morphing organism. Moving and flowing,ever changing.
   Summer. Sun,sea and rock´n´roll. Freshly cut grass,weeds and flowers. Fields and birds. Freedom and memories. Youth,smiles and laughter. Lie in the dark and watch the stars,shining bright above. So far from us but looking over us,always. Poetic,magnetic. Enchanting,enchanted. Magic.
   Sweetest melody. Crunch and crackle. Pure white. Heaven. So much beauty in the tiniest things. Childhood. Freedom. Play time,fun times. Friends and family. Smiles. Stars so ever cold so ever different. The smells and colour surround their glow to make the life what it is today. Smallest pieces of magic in the modern mundane of every day life. Lots,hidden and laying in wait to be found and discovered.Laughter,love and family pictures for those who let go and give in.

   Life. The light is on for it to go ahead. So it begins. Starts again. Cycle. Recycled. Refreshed.Anew. Lighter. Happier. Lifted.Away. To the lights and the light. To the new memories,new youth,new you. It goes on. Get on,let´s go.Going nowhere,enjoying the ride. Destination unknown,journey ahead. It´s life. All the colours of life.


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