
“Rip. Rip rip away. Rip away the pain. Rip away the suffering. It is over. Do not worry little angel. It is done now. You are free and you will not suffer no more.I will make you better,I will stop the pain and I will help you leave this wretched twisted world. You are too good for them. Let me help you. Be free now little angel. Go forth.”He said making the last slice across the dead mangled face,finishing his masterpiece.
    Once the latest piece was completed,it was ready to be presented now. He dressed his little angel up and hanged her high up for all to see, he is here. He will help all the angels of the city and they can rest easy,their time will come. For all the sinners,it was a sign. He was in the city and he will save the pure souls from the wicked one´s influence. All the angles will be free and they will all soar high,and when the time will come,he will join the angels. That night,he disappeared into the darkness of the streets. Lurking in the shadows,travelling between street lights, from one to another. Moving steady,headstrong.He had a goal,a purpose,a destiny and he would do all that is necessary to fulfil his duty.Like a wraith freeing the souls under the cover of the stars.

   That is the name the people gave him,Wraith. Operating under the cover of the night,mangling bodies and after he kills the victim,he suspends them high up,dressed in white,seemingly believing in innocence and purity of the killed,as if he is separating good from evil and there is a higher purpose to his menace. There was talk that he was spotted on multiple occasions,looking thin and pale,dressed in black. Almost mythical and imaginary. Maybe it was a make believe,maybe it was all true. Nobody knew. Police investigated but found nothing and nobody.He thought it was amusing,sometimes disrespectful to his work,all this talk, but they have noticed. They know, and now everyone can rest easy that those who are deserving,will be found and will be saved. They will be next and wraith will be there to free their pure innocent souls.Those people at the news and papers have done him a favour,having spread the word of his coming. He shall not disappoint. Tonight,a new angel will take flight. Soar towards the stars and away from this wicked,wretched world.
    There she is. Pure. Beautiful.A true angel. She will look so pretty in white. Soul so pure,so innocent and she doesn´t even know. All these men perverting this beauty. She shall be next,she will be free and there is no need to thank him. He is just fulfilling his destiny,it will be,had to be done. There is no other way. That is the plan,that is his job,that is his purpose. After watching her move on the streets,basking in her glow,he made his move. In one fell swoop he snatched her under the cover of the dark. Loud piercing scream followed,resonated with the moon,only for her to disappear into the nothingness and leave the empty street behind. The street she walked every day,never to walk again. She will soar tonight,the moon,the light is right. She was so beautiful,she will look great in white. He knocked her out and got to work. Slash. Bash.Pierce. Her skin was so gentle and delicate. An angel. So pure. She was ready for a flight a long time ago,held down by this wicked world and the sinners in it. All this dark sticky blood will stain the white. She will be drained,she will be bathed.Nothing taints the white. She will be clean,she will be ready. After all was done,she was ready,another masterpiece. “Now fly beautiful,be free.”He said as he finished strapping body to the clock tower. Let the moon shine on you and spread the message of my coming. 

    Another angel flies tonight. Now,to free another soul. There is no rest from my work. I have the destiny to fulfil,I have a higher purpose. It must be done and it will be done. For I am here to help all those in need.


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