Cat and mouse

   The sun was rising but the body was not even cold yet. Surround by the tar like,sticky scarlet red blood. Laid bare for all to see. A martyr or just a show?A mockery or a grand vision?These thoughts kept swirling in his mind and to the onlookers Logan looked just like one of them,another trespasser unable to contain his curiosity but deep down,staring at the body,he was wondering whether it will be him next time being stared at,just like this.
   Killer was getting closer,this was his neighbourhood now and it is only a matter of time til killer finds him. This is a message. I know you know,it screams. Shouts angry,look what you made me do and you are next. Police are investigating but knowing local cops, it would take them a while and he would be long dead before then.The body had many scars,tortured and hurt aplenty. Killer was sick and this is his sickness,he enjoyed the suffering and the show,he bathed in blood and savoured the screams. It would be a restless night tonight as the killer can come any time,from anywhere. There is no escape. If Logan were to go to the cops he knew,he will be locked up. There is nowhere to run as well,now was the worst time to be broke.At least this way he can stop the syco and have a fighting chance. Stupidity?Maybe, but then again,it was his forte.

    Night came,Logan took a seat on the sofa in the living room,shotgun in hand and waited. Lights out,not a sound in the house. He knew the syco is coming. Bring it on and let´s get it over with. Two hours later he found himself being startled by a noise outside. It was him,it had to be. The syco found his prey and he was there to silence him, to keep his deadly habit alive. Logan has fallen asleep but it was not meant to be,tonight would be the night and someone will die. Logan slowly got up,clutching his shotgun tight,close.This was his only chance.He stood still,trying to listen for the noises and understand where and how the freak is coming.A noise. Outside,again. Back door. He slowly and quietly,step by step,made his way to the kitchen towards the back door. Using counter as a cover,he would open fire as his assailant would sneak in. He made this way to the kitchen,to the counter and got down low. Clutching his gun,he patiently waited. Sweat dripping down his brow,heart pounding like crazy. This is it. Hunter and hunter and the question is,who is who and who will come out alive. He waited,and waited. Nothing.An animal?Neighbour?Logan slowly got up and approached the window,slow and quiet. Nothing and nobody is outside. He made his way back to the couch,thinking false alarm. Still being quiet,he took one step at a time. On edge. Cautious.As Logan turned into the living room,he saw him and then the cloth. He give it all he got,he put up a fight but whatever was on that cloth,it knocked him out cold and now,now he trapped. Caught.

   Some time later Logan opened his eyes. Empty room. Cold metal chair. Everything is decrepit,ruined,withered and worn around him. A warehouse?Abandoned building?He was chained up tight with nowhere to go,no means of escape and nobody knew where he was. He was the prey after all,he was at the mercy of a very sick man and God knows,what happens next.


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