
   Just another morning. He lay there looking at her. Mesmerised. She was fast asleep,tired,worn out and dreaming,but he could not keep his eyes away from her. ¨Lucky”,he thought to himself without averting his gaze. He could not help himself,thinking, how lucky he was to be with such a beautiful,talented woman,person.Looking at her,he could remember the childhood,the early years. The teens and being innocent and in love. Summer,the smell of wild flowers and the taste of an ice cream they shared. They were bound by memories and experiences and he would not give it up. No regrets and if he could,he would do it all over again,with her and nobody but her.
   Slowly she started to wake up. The smell of perfume stayed in her thick dark hair from yesterday. Cherries. He could smell it and was enamoured. She opened her ocean blue eyes and slowly turned her gaze towards him. There he was. Mesmerised as he was looking at the sun,coming up after a long dark winter. He was a kid in the candy store and she saw through him. So many years and not a thing changed. She felt the same way. While looking at him she could not help but notice how masculine and handsome he looked. Sharp jaw with a sexy stubble. Just right. Just the way she liked her blondes. He was the same boy she always knew,all grown up into the hottest guy she knows or ever knew. It was just another day for them but they were so in love,you could mistake them for being teenagers having shared their first night.Having just fallen for each other.

   “Breakfast my lady?”he asked her with a big grin,slowly shifting closer to her. She embraced him,pushed her body closer to him and said, “Give it a couple of minutes. Stay with me.”There they were.Embraced,in love,silence. The room stood completely still but you could feel it in the air. Love,sweet smell of honey,sweets and cherries. It was hard to tell, was it from the night before or is this what pure bliss felt like,smelt like,was and is,like. For once their life was going well. This moment,it was perfect.

    “What do you want for breakfast?”He asked all too eager to please. “Noooooooooooo!” She exclaimed in almost agony. “Why?No,just stay with me.Enjoy this.Just us.Together.” She said with a cheeky smile,insisting she was not hungry and all she wanted is heavenly bliss as opposed to earthly basics. “How often can we just stay in bed,just us two.Peace and quiet with nowhere to go and nothing to do?” She tried to make her point. He pulled away now just a bit,raised up his body slightly and was sitting in bed now. “Baby,we have things to do. We had this moment and we will have more. We should get up and start the day. Have some breakfast and do some things together.” She pulled away. She yanked herself from him and was ready for a battle. She was looking at him,into his hazel green eyes,right into them and she was letting him know,now is not the time. “Why can´t you just enjoy this?Why you have to argue all the time and why does it have to be your way all the time?” She started to raise her voice as she was getting frustrated and trying to make her point. He was not amused. Now he was getting pretty annoyed.His feet made contact with the floor and he was off the bed. Naked and now arguing. “My way?Excuse me?Last time I checked it was always,always your way.There is no other way,there is only your way and pardon me for wanting to get on with my day and enjoy more time together. Doing something else together but laying in bed all day!”The colour of his neck was turning more and more red by the second,creeping up to his face. “Don´t raise your voice with me.Don´t scream at me and let´s not argue. I disagree but I do not want to argue. Let´s just eat.”She said,rolling her eyes while getting off the bed and making her way to her clothes. “Stop being an asshole with me for trying to be romantic with you.” Naked,red faced and clearly trying to keep it under control but failing terribly,he started to get dressed himself and continued, “We are never romantic?I am not romantic?It´s breakfast in bed,it´s super romantic but it´s not good enough for you is it?He said while jumping around trying to put his pants on,squeezing his legs in.”Whatever,do what you want. Eat or don't eat,I should not care according to you,I am sorry I did. If you want to have a conversation with no arguments,I will be in the kitchen!”He made his way towards the kitchen and slammed the bedroom door. She fell on bed,frustrated,annoyed. She threw the pillow across the room and at the door. “Asshole.”


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