
Alone.On the road. Kicked and kicked out. Struggling,fighting. Looking and searching.No goal,no destination,no beginning no start to the journey. Always on the road,on the move,keep going forward,never look back. No family,lonely,by himself.No place to call home,nobody to call his own. Nothing to come back to,nowhere to go to.No love.Broken,heartbroken,useless,discarded. Used and abused,bruised and shattered. No love,no hope just sex,survival,struggle. From day to day,from sunrise to sunset. Seen,heard,knows and struggles. Fights it,numbs it,never looks back. Moving on. Keeps going. New people,new faces,new voices,new memories. Same notions,no devotion,broken,shattered,left behind and leaving behind. Back on the road,alone and lonely. New chapter,same story. New day,same life. Hoping,praying,struggling,surviving.