Out for the hunt

   There I was,holding my breath. Eyes wide open,trying my best, not to let in or out any bit of air, in case I am found or heard, or any of the sort. He was right next to me.Tall,slim,built well. He seemed like any other man but the air around him was pure poison. It was so ominous. Like the quiet before the storm in the human form. The unspoken violence pulsing in the air. I was standing still,scared to move,locked in place as if I'm frozen. His eyes were wide open,crazed. Looking for me,hunting. What did he want?Why is he here?How did he find me and what happens next?All these things racing through my mind in this single second, which seemed to last an eternity. He was breathing heavy,hunting his prey and this single moment of pause,moment of silence made his being that much more animalistic. His strong big hands covered in blood, scarlet red.They were holding on to the wall,hard,with anger and power. I could see the blood dripping to the floor. The drops, were never louder in my life. The scarlet red,reflected the ominous light of the moon and just like that, he was gone. A close one..I thought to myself.What now?Do I wait until sunrise?Reach for the phone or..or do I run for it.So many options rushing through my mind,I had to make a decision but any one of these, could end it all. The seconds of thinking felt like a year passing with the tense,electric air,pulsating all around me,left behind by the man from the dark. By the hungry beast, out for blood. I do not think of him as a man no more,he was something else. He left his humanity behind tonight and brought the basic instincts out.
   As I take the step,the floor makes noise. It was so loud and piercing in the silence of the night, as if it was a lighthouse,piercing the vale of dark in the stormy seas. He heard me,he was coming and I heard him getting closer. I had to hide,I had to move,it is all or nothing,do or die. I jumped in the closet. Looking back on it,not the best idea. But the options were,under the bed or closet. Horror movie conventions dictate that both of them will get you killed so,the way I see it,they both lead to same outcome, but the decision had to be made and was made. Primal instinct of my own took over and when you are being hunted,you hide. I made the choice and froze. I hid in the closet,pushed myself in and braced for him.Barely breathing,standing still,I saw it all through the crack. This animal,this man entered the room in a rush,hasty,angry,out for blood, he checked it all. Under the bed,in the bed,behind the door and table. He was stabbing things,breaking things,ready to kill and not taking any chances. I saw him,I knew him and what he was and he was not letting me go. Then,he stopped. Heavy breathing,breaking any silence of the night once more,blade in hand,he turned to last place he hasn't looked at. The closet. The basics of horror and thriller dictate it to be one of the prime spots for hiding, and so it was. He opened the door wide open and I lunged at him. This is it,hunt or be hunted. Survival instincts kicking in and taking hold.I pushed him down and started to wrestle the blade out of his hands,it was my only chance. He was confused at first but, he quickly snapped out of it and focused on the job at hand. He was strong,he was fighting back and he was determined to get the job done.Just like that,I felt a cold sharp metal in my body. Warm red blood,slowly dripping down the pierced flesh.It was my blood. Shock,shaking.I was bleeding,he was winning but I was not done. I summoned my strength,pulled it together and turned the blade of the hunter, right on himself,right in his monstrous beating heart. Deep,hard,it was pierced. Even though this man was a monster,a hunter out for blood,he was bleeding like a man and no beast. Eyes frozen in the last moment of his life. Hunter killed by prey, a moment captured in time.

   I got up,bleeding,covering my wound, I made sure he was down and down for good. I got to the phone and called for help. There we were in the same room. Hunter and prey,hunter and hunted and one of us has won like every story would predict but on this day,the beast,the evil would not prevail,not tonight and it is the prey,the victim, who will hunt the killer down. It will be the prey, who deals the final blow to it's hunter. A month later full story emerged. He was a family man with a couple of kids,living in the suburbs with an average,normal job and normal hobbies but turns, out he had one more. The one nobody knew until now. He was painted a monster and he was, but it turns out that this monster,wore a face of a family man,of a friendly neighbour and yet,it is the beast behind the mask,out for blood,governed by the most basic instinct,to kill. Turns out, I was not the only one either, but I was the last one and the only one to survive. Like a typical hunter he would collect trophies in the form of jewellery or a random piece of item from the victim. I would figure he had a joy going through these in his spare time and reigniting his passion for the hunt, with every look at the trophies.I was his undoing but there were many more who did succumb to the hunter and satisfied his lust for blood only to fuel it further. In nature,animals have many ways to improve the hunt like camouflage and adopting their behaviours, but we as humans see it for what it is.However,when it comes to fellow man,it's always hard to know who is out for the hunt.


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