It's all good..
I know some of you were concerned about my well being lately. That is very thoughtful,thank you. I can understand how it might seem I'm in the bad place with some dark sad stories I post.But,I am ok. the stories I write are inspired by imagination,other works of fiction,memories and experiences.So quite often it's just the flow taking over and creating the story. Sometimes my stories are driven by the emotion of the moment but it is nothing that I cannot handle and happens to everybody.I have been through some stuff and I know if it gets bad,there is always help. So,if you yourself suffer from anything from heartbreak to depression to just being sad..remember you are not alone. Happens to me,to the others,that's life..If it gets bad,seek some help,just talk to your friends. Cliche gets better. Talking helps. Anyways..Guys,everyone,take care,talk to those close to you,you are not alone,I'm always here and I am is all good and when emotions take hold it is nothing new and will pass..just letting creativity flow..Til next time..
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