What a shame..

Poor guy. Look at him..Dead,in the middle of the street. Such a shame. Good looking,young guy with a bright career ahead of him. Such a great shame. Just lying there,cold,dead. What a shame. He could have gone far.
   I heard some people say he was a really nice guy. He was sweet and always nice and helpful. One time he helped neighbour’s kids to get the ball back and then there is a story about him rescuing a pet of an old lady. Apparently he was very nice,very sweet,so helpful. Always polite,and smiling.
   I heard his parents are absolutely devastated. They are heartbroken..Can you blame them?Such a good guy,They had high hopes for him. He was doing so well at college. Always sweet,never hurt anyone. He loved his parents and they loved him back so much. They were a happy family.
   I heard he was a star in college. He was doing very well,was involved in the student council and was really into sports. Good looking guy. Had all the girls and all the boys after him. So much charisma,so confident. He looked great no matter what he was doing. Always happy to help,so smart too.
   I heard he was going out with this girl for years. They have been childhood sweethearts,so in love. So sweet and innocent. They looked so good together.Never argued. I think I even heard he was supposed to propose. Really?I heard he was seeing this guy..They met on the rainy night,at the bus stop,they started talking and it went from there. Apparently very happy,so in love. Parents loved the guy too.. Seems like either way he was taken,unsurprisingly…Seems like he was quite happy and popular huh?
    Such a shame,such a great guy. So much heartache for him and his family and now he lies here dead and cold,all alone. What a shame..

    You know,I heard he was doing some drugs on the side. Being so popular,attending parties,he got into them. Now apparently,with his new girlfriend,who has same issue,he was hooked more than ever.
    You know,I heard that he was accused of rape on campus. At one of their big parties,he got high and drunk..Apparently he tried something with the girl and she was against it,what a creep.I also heard, he was sleeping around with everyone,behind his girlfriend’s back,with which he was doing drugs anyways.
   Is that so?I heard he nearly killed a man once,driving drunk in the night.High,drunk,raging. I remember he usually was drunk. Falling behind in college,sleeping all day,no job. I would not be surprised if he did whack someone. Some people say he was crazy,always angry and unstable. He was a loner and had anger issues. Such a cute guy and so popular..Seems like there was so much more to him. What a creep,what a syco. Never trust a guy with a crooked fake smile.
   He deserves this. Threw his life away for drugs. Killed people,raped. Monster. Good riddance. Look at him lie there,if only his victims got the peace he has now.
   What a shame..


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