That special someone

   A charming stranger. Thick dark hair. Piercing dark hazel eyes. The moment you look at them they make you forget it all. The full lips which make you think bout nothing but kissing them. The pretty face to look at but oh this face has seen things and done it all. The body you want to touch,you want to hold and feel. The body itself tells a story. The clothes on the back and the way the stranger holds themselves. A confidence. Looks good,feels good. The confidence is false. It is there to hide the scars,the pain and insecurity. You feel and see the confidence but you know there's so much more to the mysterious stranger. You feel the pain,you see the story. You hear the memories they speak of with their soothing,gentle voice. The voice lulls you into a mesmerising slumber. The stranger does it all the time to others and you are the latest victim, but you see what they are and what they stand for. You know what they are capable of and what they doing and yet you know,there is pain,there are memories and there is so much more. So you stick with it. You willing to take it all.You want to kiss the lips you see,you want to gaze into the dark eyes to loose yourself and all your problems. You want to touch the body in front of you and hear the soothing voice to make it all better. You put up with the facade because you know there is a story. A story that is hidden,locked and put away and you dig and claw at it. You wait for the right time to get it out. You know somewhere deep inside there’s so much more to it and all you do is wait. You know the wait is worth it.From the body to the mind. To hold and embrace the stranger,to hear their story and to be let inside their mind. You willing to wait and to you, it is worth it,as this stranger is like no stranger before. They are special. They are the one. The one you want,need and want to be a part of. You tell yourself you will wait,just to know more,get closer and be lucky enough to share the moment of their life with them. We all met this stranger at some point in our life. There might be some minor differences but the idea is the same. This stranger comes into our life out of nowhere and turns it upside down and we stick around. We know there's so much more,we want to be a part of that,we want to know more. We need to and we tell ourselves: “I can’t no more”,”Enough”,”wont happen”, but we still stick with it. We want to hold the stranger and hear their story and when they do come into our life, It is always worth the wait whatever happens.The memories you might share together will be so precious that you are willing to wait just to make them happen. These strangers hold great power over us and we all got one. It’s just a question whether you met you mysterious stranger yet. 


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