This time I saw

   It is like any other morning this summer, but this time I actually stopped and paid attention. This time I actually saw what was around me.
   This morning the skies were clear and blue. The beautiful vibrant kind of blue. You could see the soft light in the horizon coming from the rising morning sun. It felt warm,bright.It felt serene and made me happy. Made me appreciate the day that little bit more. The streets were quiet and empty, with occasional car passing by, being the precursor for the rush to come,as the sleepy world was slowly waking up from it’s long slumber. Waking up from the dark and quiet into the world of light and motion. You could feel the energy slowly rise on the street with the morning light, as the sleepy world was waking up and people were getting ready for the day ahead.
   The nature around was complementing and adding to the picture of the wonderful morning and the beautiful day to come. The lush,vibrant green’s all around were coming alive,coming alive with the light passing through and giving the green, the life it needs. The bugs were floating in the air,hundreds,moving as one,back and forth. Just like the crowds on the busy street that were yet to come. It was is if the insects were one living orgasm,the being with it’s own purpose but which eventually wasn’t heading anywhere. It was an infectious,hypnotic sight to witness, as they were dancing back and forth in the blue skies,embracing the light of the day.
   The birds further added to the strong feel of a busy day and the nature being well and truly alive. There were many,singing in their own voices,sounding their own call but eventually coming together to announce that the world around you,around us, is alive and ready for the day ahead.
   As I stand here with my morning cup of coffee after a long night’s sleep,looking out of the window on the world outside,I cannot help but appreciate the beauty of the world around. Beauty of the mother nature and witness how much life surrounds us daily. We fail to see this, simply because we always rushing,going somewhere and doing the things we got to do. 

   The world is truly alive,living and breathing.The life surrounds us all the time, everywhere and it is beautiful.All you have to do is to just stop the morning rush,clear your head,open your eyes and stop and listen,just for a moment. Just for a second and you will see what I see.Life,colour,energy flowing through the busy air of a day waking up. It makes you feel alive,makes you appreciate the small things life gives you and see the beauty of the world around you,something that quiet often we take for granted and fail to see.
   Life,energy and beauty are all around us.Just stop,see and listen and you will know it too.


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