The flame of life

   The whittling flame. Waning slowly but surely. Loosing it’s light,growing duller with every moment of it’s life. The light is not as bright as it used to be, until the flame dies out. The warmth. The warmth of the flame still there. You can feel it around you,you can feel it making you feel content and happy but soon, the warmth wanes just like the light itself. Soon after,nothing is left. Nothing but the husk of that what was. Nothing, but the memories of the light and the warmth of the flame. Nothing is left now. Just the remnants of the time gone by,of that what was. You feel encroaching sadness, as the flame meant a lot to you and your life,yet you are stronger from knowing the fact, that the new flame will rise.
   That new flame will be the new light of your life,it will guide you and help you anew. One flame may be snuffed out but another one, will be lit to keep the fire burning.  The flame will keep you warm and content. This flame will guide you and be there for you in the darkest times. It is the fact of life,that when one perishes,another one rises. This new small ember,albeit small,it still holds the warmth. It gives off a bright enchanting light,captivating you,as if to tell,it will all be alright again. The new ember grows stronger with every moment. It turns brighter and ignites the fire of your life. Even though one fire perishes,a new ember is born to light the flame anew.


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