Little something new..

   I had a little thought and I think it would be a great idea to start recommending some books or films I feel are interesting in some way. Now,I would recommend the things that inspire me in some way so feel free to check that out if you are interested and also things I feel are really good in my honest opinion. Now,this is just an opinion so take it with a pinch of salt but, if you are interested and open to new stuff,do check the recommendations out,I wouldn't recommend grabage to my lovely readers now would I.
If you feel you have an interesting film or a book to recommend for me yourself,please,I am open to give it a go. Who knows,new story might come from it. Just leave a suggestion in the comments and I will give it a go. In the meantime I would like to start with a film "Ask me anything". Now the film was recommended to me mainly because it's about a blogging girl but it's so much more. It's not as amazing as I have been told,mind,buuuuut it's a bit of a messed up story about one girl's life and there so much to it. Not the most amazing but intriguing to watch so if you curious do give it a go. Heads up its a mature drama and not a teenage flick as it might seem.Happy watching and share what you think..
Also, if you are more into books,there is a book,the film is based on the book,feel free to check out both.
The book is called "Undiscovered gyrl" by Allison Burnett..happy reading!

P.S. Thinking about calling this,what to watch, and ,what to read, only not current, but just random stuff I go through..for now..also if you watch the film you might figure out what story it inspired,I won't ruin it though.


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