The splash of blood,the trail that followed

   Snow was shinning especially bright under the moonlight tonight. The vast white open,the calm after the storm. Peace,tranquillity,melancholy. The desert of nothingness in this dark forest. The snow itself mutes the dark,grounds you and transports you to the other world. I mean it would,if not for that blood stain on the pure white snow. The blood seems fresh and really stands out, being the dark glistening red in the pure white innocence of the snow. Who,why and how?A chase?An animal?Something more sinister? it a wound or a final blow?Footprints leading further into the dark abyss of the woods. The trail,something was carried here,wide trail. Seems like someone was struggling,leaking blood,fighting back,fighting for their life. The woods never seemed darker like they are now. Moon lighting the way being it’s ominious self. The white light of the night shining above the white snow to illumminate the dark red blood in front of your eyes.
   You decide to follow the trail. By far not one of your best ideas, but being the good person that you are,a helpful samaritan if you will,you have to help the one in distress. Damn it.If you still can. Besides you never listened to your brain or anyone, so, why start now. This is as far as bad ideas go but, you will be careful you tell yourself,you will be quiet and you can always grab a big branch to fight back if it comes to it, or, climb a tree if that helps right?Here goes nothing,you think to yourself. Just you and the forest, and the the trail of struggle,consuming darkness and unnerving silence. Blood everywhere and as you keep on moving forward, it is just getting worse, but now you notice something new. Hmmmm,a boot. A footprint to be exact, of a heavy boot,of someone with a heavy step and a big boot. This does not seem like a good idea,it’s time. Time to turn back. As you are turning back,a scream. Loud,agonizing scream of pain and suffering. It sounds like a man and oh he is in pain. He is calling for help but you stay silent. Thinking,making decisions. Help or not?It might kill you,it might save this man’s life. You grab your phone ready to call the cops or make your last call,moment will decide. Grab a big branch under your feet and armed,your moving forward. Does not seem like the best idea but the curiosity,adventurer or whatever in you is screaming that you need to find out what is happening.
   As you get closer,the screams are getting louder,your senses are sharper than ever and you react to every little noise. Soon the trail gets bloodier,the footprints are more erratic and it seems like there are more than one of them,who ever it is. As you decide to turn back,you see something in the dark. A massive splash of blood all over the white snow. Belongings scattered everywhere,footprints all around the area,erratic,chaotic. It was a fight,a struggle and who ever started it,finished it. The screaming stopped, you noticed, and you were convinced it was coming from here, but there is nothing and nobody here. Absolutely terrified,hoping and praying to get home safely,phone at the ready,you decide it’s time to go. Get out of here. As far as you can,as fast as you can. No matter what has happened,you are not staying to find out and be the next one. You saw nothing,you know nothing,at least until you are out. As you turn around,you see him. Tall,dark figure towering over you. This is a big man but he seems more like a mythical beast in this light. In this forest. Big heavy body,massive arms,moon shining right on it’s back with the darkness of the forest obscuring the face of the mythical dark figure. This is it, you think. This is it. You done. This is how it ends. It can’t be though. You are so young with so much to do. You did not even say goodbye. And then,as you take a step to start running.Thud!Lights out.


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