The Looming Shadow

   I could see the beast skulking outside of the tent. The looming massive shadow,the presence was letting me know it’s around and it is not leaving until it gets what it wants. What is it?Why is it here and what does it want?All these questions rushing through my mind as I try to figure out what to do next. I heard these ruins had something guarding them but I brushed it off as superstition and fairy tales. Oh,I should have listened,I know that now, but it is too late.  I could hear the snarling of the beast,I heard it circle me around at a distance,stomping the ground with it’s heavy presence.  The night itself was still,no crickets,no bugs at all,no birds,nothing! It’s as if whole of the area stayed clear from the shadow that haunts me. What the hell is it?How bad can it be?Surely just a wild animal right?Right?
   I decided to sneak out. I would be very quiet and if I’m spotted I either run and try to get away,climb if I see a good enough tree or lie dead. Something has to work right?I mean I don’t know,this doesn’t happen often to the city kid but I know all these work on different animals. Maybe once I see what I am dealing with..I guess I just have to go with the flow,oh God! So,I unzipped the tent and stepped into the dark. I mean what could I have done differently. If I stay there I’m dead anyways,sitting duck,I had to move. The night was still,pitch black,not a single noise but occasional stomp. The grey clouds covered the skies as to make it more ominous. No time to admire the scenery,I gotta go..

   I started taking one step at a time,slowly moving forward. Looking back on it,I was hoping to get far away from the area to run. Oh,the ruins looked much more ominous in the night,somewhat sinister. It might be me panicking but that’s what I remember and I think when you in that situation whole world seems like it’s out to get you. Step,by step. I was making progress,good,slowly,quietly,that’s right you just stay there creepy shadow beast.
Are you kidding me?Reaaaaally?I mean it always happens in films but c’mon. The twig,it’s always the lone twig which just happens to be right under your foot,it always betrays you. Well’I can hear this thing move at what seems to be light speed towards me. Think,lie down,stand still,climb up or run. I climb the nearest tree I see,I am not the best climber but I managed to climb high enough to just be above it. Oh,how I wish I would have bothered more at the gym.

   I could see it. It’s right below me. The shadow,the presence. It seems to be like some massive shadow beast,like a giant cat?I don’t know,four paws,snarling,’s a giant cat if you ask me. It’s circling the tree but wait,it is not looking up at me. Is it blind?It seems to be sniffing around and listening to noises but it can’t see. “Oh God!Stand still,don’t move and hope it goes away…”- I tell myself. I do exactly just that,it takes a while but the beast leaves. Now, I don’t know about you,but I am not coming straight down.No way! So I sat there for what seemed like an eternity,sun was slowly rising but I was still refusing to move. I could see the sun rays pierce the lingering night sky as it was slowly paving the way for morning.

   I heard voices!Voices!People!The beast was long gone,the sun was rising and campers seem to be on the same trail,heading towards the ruins. I assumed it was safe,I hoped it was and I got off the tree and onto the solid ground. Oh,sweet solid ground,it felt like an eternity up on that tree. I feel like an astronaut coming back home. I headed for the tent,it was untouched. I packed,ready to go and never come back,I learned my lesson!Believe the fairy tales,listen to locals,never ignore!Point taken..I passed the campers on the way to the hotel. So,what the hell was that?I did not sleep let alone dream and I am pretty sure that thing was real. No pictures,no recording.Dammit! It’s not like that’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you fight for your survival,right?One thing was for certain, I am not coming back and I am just glad to be as far away from here as possible.  


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