My Shadow and I

   There is this shadow. Now,I know everyone has a shadow and all that, but mine, is different. My shadow has been with me since birth,rain or shine,my shadow,my friend,my ally has always been there. Watching over me,watching the others and making sure I’m safe,we are safe. Rain or shine,birthday or death,it was there,I could count on it.Now, I could have said something to others a long time ago and figure out who or what it is, but nobody would believe me,they would think I’m crazy. Therapies,doctors…no thanks.So I get on with my day,with my shadow in tow,watching me,guarding me,making sure all is right in,our world.
   This shadow,I don’t know who or what it is,to me it looks like a human,like a being made of dark,deep slow voice but so comforting.It talks,but only I can see or hear it,seems like it,I checked.We checked. It doesn’t like strangers but seems to be stuck with me. You hear how beings like this are evil and want to harm or hurt you,but not my shadow,he protects me and takes care of me. There when I’m sick,there at school with me.It knows what I am thinking and helps me achieve it,we talk that way. One day,Steven Foster would pick on me as usual but he got what was coming to him,he ain’t touching me no more. Sometimes,I have to hold it back,to calm it down and make sure it doesn’t hurt the others it misunderstands. Oh,it likes to hurt the others but I’m keeping in under control. I like to think I am, but I am not sure. I just think it misunderstands. It cares too much. 

   It seems to have a story,it seems like it was a person before but I can’t quite know for sure,who or what they want. It never shares,it’s just there,the shadow and I. People notice me talking to nothing,hear me in the empty room,they think I am strange but me and him,it,we know. And it will make sure nothing,will happen to me. Now that my life is spiralling out of control,all these changes in my life happening at once,with people dying and me loosing friends,I feel like I have nobody but him,it. Even my parents suspect me in everything and don’t trust me anymore.I am not their little boy no more, they say.
   It’s us against the world,we can pull through,I can with him,it..and it will make sure I do. Now that it feels like the floor is collapsing right under me,I feel like I can trust only my shadow.Only it gets me,nobody believes me,nobody trusts me,they all suspect me and against me. I can’t take it anymore. I need it’s help more than ever. I need it by my side. Only shadow understands me.If they want a fight,I will give them a fight. Me and my friend,my shadow,we will make sure it will be alright and nobody will hurt us again.I can show them all how strange I can get. I bet you probably reading this,judging me,us, but it’s people like you holding us back and we will fight.
I see what it sees now.How blind I have been. My shadow and me,it is the only thing in this world who cares about me.Goodbye,Tom Lery, my old life and I hope for your sake,you do not follow or find me,us.


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