This hand you hold

   This hand you holding,the hand which holds yours back. So many memories tied into this simple gesture. It started out as Hi and now it’s such a simple and natural thing. Feels like so many years have gone by,like you know each other a lifetime. There were some bumps along the way,some words were exchanged. You were regretting it almost instantly and there were times you felt like this is the way. There was always at least this second when you feeling,isn’t it too far,what if I loose this person who means so much to me. And there were times when you were ready to say good riddance. No matter what happens,time keeps moving so whatever the issue was,you prevailed,you both did and stronger together hand in hand. Oh how many memories you have made together. That time when you could not stop laughing,that time when this hand was used to wipe that tear away. That time when you got handed what you thought is the best gift you could get. The memories are all different and many but you both can agree they precious. You might not always see them that way but right now you are and you are seizing the moment,you live right now and holding this hand and you refuse to let it go. You know how much it means to you and at least right now,right this moment you will hold it tighter than ever. 


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