She never listened

   Loran was a tall girl. Everyone always thought she is older than she actually was, so, she used to her advantage. Quite often she would sneak into the barracks and watch the people of her kingdom prepare for the upcoming war. Nobody would recognise her as Loren would always have a cloak,hood and commoner clothes. Just a woman on the street,watching the preparations,she thought in her mind.She could not sneak out in her nice dresses. For one,her mom would kill her so to speak,she thought,and that was enough. That day it was all going as usual,all according to plan.   
   She sneaks out for a little while,watches the training and gets back on time, before the big dinner. Today though,she was spotted. A young dog,who the young princess failed to notice,did noticed her and started running towards her. Loran didn’t notice the pooch and kept watching the training till the dog was right under her feet. At first she was confused who’s dog is this, because there were never any animals in the barracks but then,once the dog started barking,a whole new problem arose. Should she stay and keep the dog quiet and risk it,or should she just run for it before she is spotted and recognised.
   She stayed. Young princess never played it safe.She grabbed the young pooch,gave it a good petting and having made sure the dog is with her and quiet, she resumed watching the the practise. She couldn’t help it. She was drawn to the sword,drawn to the battle. Something in her heart was yearning to fight for the kingdom she sits at the heart of. Ever since a kid she was always locked in her room for her own safety,those were turbulent times but it doesn’t change the fact that she has spent a lot of time alone. Lonely little girl with nobody to play or talk to. So, there is this part of her, the part which calls her to join the others,be part of a group,be there with everyone and be together, part of something greater. She just wanted to belong deep inside,be like everyone else. 

   An hour has passed since she sneaked out. She had to go as much as she wanted to stay.She had to,or otherwise, if she gets caught, she will be stuck at the castle and will never get out..yeah yeah for my own safety-she thought in her mind,heading back home. Once she reached the castle,she headed straight for her room not to be discovered and to get ready for the dinner. Perhaps,a minute to sit down,she thought.   
   She sat down on her lavish big bed,which was far bigger than her body,fit for a royalty and  she started to think about the past. She couldn’t help herself but remember the words of her Grandmother,she said :”Do not feel like you are not one of the people,you are,when, and if the war comes you might not be out there,but you will be as much part of the war guiding your people,as they are. And they will need you as you need them.”..The words lingered in young princesses mind. “ I am”..she thought to herself. I am one of the people,but I want to fight beside them,shoulder to shoulder and protect my family, like my people are. Fight for what I believe in,like they are and stand tall and proud of our victory,defending our land,like they are. The girl had a playful smirk on her face,it was a face with the plan. Young princess never listened to anyone.
Loran changed and headed downstairs for dinner.


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