The loud moment of silence

 Here I lie on this hot summer’s day,breeze caressing the curtains of the opened window. The curtains dance as the breeze enters the small room,oasis in this hot summer’s day. I lie in this bed alone,at peace. My mind is totally blank,crystal clear yet as the time passes in this small room of mine,it wonders just for a second, for the thought of what has passed.                                                       
   For the thought of might have been and will be,what could have been done and will be done. Mind wonders and looks back at what was and the life before now. Mind wonders and looks into the future wondering,whether it will work out or whether there is no happy ending. Here I lie,alone with my thoughts, now mind busy full of thought,thinking of people around me,people in my life and what to do next. The simultaneous quick racing of the mind and complete stillness both overwhelm me and I grab my headphones to listen to my favourite song.

    I am at ease,I am at peace. Mind stops,I mouth the lyrics and feel the music. “That didn’t last long”-I think to myself,as the thoughts creep in and out like an unwanted guest. I guess there is no escaping the past,or the present but I can change and build my own future and the times like these are the times to make a decision. Do I,stay in this bed,keep thinking of what was,might have been or will be, or do I, stand up and get things done. Do I,get things done tomorrow and pursue the future that I want for days to come. It might not happen,it might not work out the way I want it to,but I guess what my racing mind is trying to tell me is,there is no use lying in this bed and wondering.I owe it to myself to get out there and find out. I owe it to myself to pursue what I desire and see what happens. Not wonder about what might have been but know the answer for myself.
   I get up from the bed,my head clearer than it ever was. I have things to do,places to be and people to speak to. I know what to do now and this moment of silence never could have spoken to me louder.


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