Nothing but ash

   Nothing,nothing but ash!Brave warrior Sicillia thought to herself. Nothing,nothing but ash left of my kingdom,my home. The people,are dead,my family,dead. The dragon had to pay. He cannot terrorize the people of this land and destroy kingdoms without punishment. The king and the kingdom might have fallen,the people are distraught and destroyed but that made Sicillia stronger,she had nothing to loose so she would give it her all to see her goal to the end. She was ready to fight,fire burning in her eyes,fire burning in he heart. Rage and sadness taking over her,sword firmly in hand,clad in thick metal Armour, she went on forward to the dragon’s lair to find the wyrm,the dreaded dragon beast and slay him to stop his reign of terror. It was easy to find him,all she had to do is follow the trail of flame and destruction.
   As she was walking through the fields of her man,with every step she held on to her sword that much tighter,with every step falling that much harder. She was the fury herself. She will kill the beast or die trying. Nothing but ash,the words echoed in her mind all this time. The land she walked on was scorched black,flame dancing and teasing her all around.Ash falling from the sky. It was almost like the winter blanket has covered the land but the blanket was fire and brimstone with the ash being that what was. The life of the many,the life of the warrior herself. “I will not give up,I will not give in.I will fight on”..Sicillia kept repeating as she walked with eyes determined,looking straight at the cave ahead where wyrm has settled.The young warrior made her way inside,navigating massive dark cave. It was hot like the oven,massive in size,dark with the single flame burning at the distance. Sicillia reached the end of the cave,she reached the flame. It was the beating heart of the sleeping beast in front of her. Beating hard,loud,flame burning bright. For the second she hesitated,she doesn’t kill the weak and she doesn’t kill unless she has to but as she thought of this,she thought of the ash,the flame and the screams and she raised her sword.As she went for the kill,for the thrust at the heart of the sleeping beast,it awoke and startled the warrior. Burning eyes of the beats staring right at the burning eyes of the woman who lost it all. The destruction itself staring at the last hope. Sicillia wavered,shaken and sweating,scared for her life,she stepped forward,ready to take on the beats and what comes with it.

   The beast smirked,scoffed and stomped the ground.He threw the heroine off her balance but she got back up and stood her ground. The dragon launched at her,fire breath of the ready,this is it. Do or die,now or never!Sicillia standing ground,sword firm in hand,she trusts it forward at once,with all of her might,screaming with passion for all those she has lost and left behind. The dragon flame at the ready,claws sharp,dragon launched at her,ready to tear the last hero down.Sicillia closed her eyes,ready to die, said,”For the king,the queen and the kingdom,for the people and my child.”Slash!Thrust!The sound of the metal piercing the flame echoed through the dark. The young heroine has opened her eyes,flame flowing all around her as the sword pierces the heart of the dragon. The wyrm let out the loudest roar heard,cave shaking from the sound of the beast,flame flowing everywhere and filling up the floor around the hero and the beast.Sicillia started to run,with mix of emotions,she had to run,cave trembling,engulfed in flames will swallow her whole if she doesn’t leave..Light,day light. Sicillia reached the opening,she was out,air,sun,the ash. She was out,she did what she set out to do,she avenged them all and brought the end to the tyranny that was. She composed herself,thought about what has happened and set out ahead. Where she was going,she didn’t know,one thing she did know. It was done.It was over. She set out,walking through fire and ash,through the remnants of what was but now it’s different,the ash was like snow but it was as if the ash was snow blanketing what was,now she knew it was blanketing the destruction left,blanketing the legend of the wyrm and this was the last of the ash she will see. The dragon is dead,this ash is the last of him,good riddance,she thought.She put a firm step one after the other,stepping through ash forward,head held high,onto the new kingdom and better tomorrow. The new start,the new legend.
   Meanwhile,as the brave heroine left the battlefield towards the better future being victorious,the wyrm was breathing his last breath in the cave. With the flame growing dimmer with every moment,dragon spoke his last word..”Galfrid”.and the flame in the dragon’s heart went out forever as it fell into the eternal slumber. Engulfed in flames,the dragon died with his own flame out,the cave collapsed,the rocks blocked the way and dragon buried. This place will never be discovered and legend will just be that,a tale of what was. The terror was over and new legend was born.


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