That what was

   Abandoned house. The area around it used to be full of life. Infectious air full of laughter and electrifying energy,now its peaceful,quiet.It’s not the same,abandoned,alone by itself,quiet and somewhat sad,melancholy. As you step inside,the dust rises up in the air like it’s a snow storm in the middle of July. Dust floating all around you like little snowflakes in the cold winter day. This place is empty now,memories suspended in the air,a time capsule of what was and used to be. Floor weathered,wood giving way for a heavy step,making noises of age and crumble and time gone by. You slowly walk through the house,the rooms are empty. Gone are the sounds of laughter,the tears,the happiness and sadness. Life itself seems to be drained from the place and it’s nothing but cold brick and wood now. It’s so much more to you though. You remember every corner of this place,that time when they screamed,that time when you played a prank,that time when you all could not stop laughing. The memories,the good the bad,this is where it happened,this house is part of them,this is the past itself. Curtains weathered and left behind remind you of the time you used to stargaze on the lonely nights,of the nights you just could not sleep. The wall where the first are practise was done,the wall which captured your life,you growing. 

   Memories were made here,people going in and out. Into your life and out of it but the time kept going. Now,you call a different place home and even though this house is empty now,it’s not you who lives here anymore,your memories still do. They everywhere you look,from the walls to the squeaking floors to the dusty air itself. That place next to the wall..that’s where the bed used to be. That’s where the good,the bad the dirty thoughts kept rushing. How far you have come. That view. So many times you used to look out of that window,bustling street,kids playing. It’s foreign now,who are these people,it’s not the same. Everything has changed but the house remains,the memories still here and they will be til your last day,they made you who you are and even though the house is nothing but the time capsule stuck in the storm of dust and tear,it made you who you are. And even now as you are leaving this place,the door itself reminds you of all the feet walking through it,all the faces,the memories. All those people coming into your life and leaving it just as fast. Now outside,you might be leaving this house for the last time but you never know,someday you just might drive by it again,someday you might see it again and maybe for a second reminisce again. The place has changed but the memories stayed,make the new ones but do not forget that what was as it makes you,what you are.


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